"Light the World" project brings faiths together   
 to help children during the holiday season

"Light the World" project brings faiths together to help children during the holiday season

I am delighted to have participated in the 2024 Light the World multifaith reception in Times Square, New York City, sponsored by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Faith leaders from throughout the New York City metropolitan area joined together at this international event to raise money for children. Groups participating in the event included organizations associated with many different religions and denominations, including Adventist, A.M.E., Baptist, Catholic, Episcopal, Hindu, Jewish, Lutheran, Muslim, United Church of Christ and other Christian faiths.

Last year, the multifaith community that participated in the 2023 Light the World project included nearly 70 organizations that joined together to aid more than 57,000 children and their families during the holiday season.

The reception featured greetings from from Elder Quentin L. Cook, of Elder of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of the LDS Church, Elder David Marriott, head of the New York region, Rabbi Joe Potasnik, executive vice president of the New York Board of Rabbis, and

with leaders from the Greek Orthodox and Catholic churches


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