Light shines on All, Experience is best Teacher
Mehernosh Sassani Shroff( knight ) consultancy services Indian Port Tugboats,offshore
We all live and in the end we realize Experience is the best Teacher , we all learn That Every one will shine some time or the other and the light definitely shines on all ,the light may not be continuous because in the end even the day needs the 12 hours of night to refresh it self
God loves us all equally always , every one get the same love the same breaths the same laughter the same joy and same bad experiences main thing is are you going to Learn from Bad experiences or just use it as an excuse to moan and complaint ,
Life is about choices and you can spend your life "Smiling" No mater what or scowling & keeping a sad face no matter how happy or sad you are , to me i realized long back happiness is Just an absence of pain and it is also a state of mind , condition your self to be happy joyful and full of beans
9 年SIR, Your experience regarding the bad patch in the life is more or less same as I have experienced;that is why you have advised correctly. We must learn lesson from past Mistakes & take positive steps to Achieve our desired Goals.Mistakes are the good opportunities to achieve the Desired Position in your present field....RAMESHGHUGARE