The Light of Man Proves the Existence of "God or Higher Power" in a Call for World Peace
Motivation Monday Koffee with Kevin - "The Light of Man" Call for World Peace

The Light of Man Proves the Existence of "God or Higher Power" in a Call for World Peace

#motivationmondaykoffeewithkevin #motivationmonday #mondaymotivation #KevinLMcCrudden #RevDrBLHofer #drraymondmoody #drjohnhagelin #deepakchopra #humanitystream #consciousness #mindfulness #universalconsciousness #Einstein

Today's Motivation Mondays- Koffee with Kevin is a little deep, but I needed to further explain my creation of "The Light of Man" and the actual meaning behind it.

For the firt time in history, I am stating that science has proven the existence of "God" or a "Higher Power" ( God / Allah / Krishna / Brahman / Elohim / Creator) and that the scientific "light" that is at the moment of "creation / conception" is actually "God" or "Higher Power" and stays with us the rest of our lives until we die.

For my Christian friends, it is "The Holy Spirit!" You know "The Father," and you know, "The Son," and now you know that the very spark of light that created you IS "God" / "The Holy Spirit / Ghost," which has never been explained well enough for my liking.Can't wait for you all to see "The Light of Man," a spiritual, unifying and globally award-winning docuentary about what we all have in common and not what divides us. It's about "World Peace!" Passcode: BH2N==ys

God Bless and Namaste' ??


Kevin L McCrudden -Author-Speaker-Exec. Coach Thought Leader-Corporate and College Lecturer的更多文章

