Be the light, this Diwali

Be the light, this Diwali

‘Diwali’ or ‘Deepavali’ is often touted as the biggest and brightest of all Hindu festivals. The name ‘deep’ means lights and ‘avali’ means in a row. The five day long celebration is symbolic with good food, fireworks and oil lamps that light up every house within and without as well as a sense of love and wishes for a joyful year ahead.

The various rituals that form a part of this festival like getting up early (before dawn) to cleanse oneself, meet and greet friends and relatives forgiving past wrongs and starting afresh and sharing sweets with near and dear ones have a significance beyond being a celebration of life.

But more importantly, the lights encourage you to ‘Be the light within’. The lighting of the lamp symbolizes a time for inner reflection and illumination. The Hindus believe in the eternal soul and every legend associated with Diwali talks of the victory of good over evil. So this year, take a moment to reflect on the year gone by. Cleanse your mind of hatred and dejection. Let the light shine and take control of your dreams with faith in yourself and your ability to be the best you can.

From darkness unto light, the team at Six wishes you all a season of hope and prosperity.

Happy Diwali!


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