Light, Darkness, & Demons

Light, Darkness, & Demons

Light, darkness, and demons the makeup of the universe

Without light, you slowly rot from the inside, without God you allow the dark energy to seep into your body and it will?

reflect on your behaviour , as a human you do not notice it at first because the evil one works silently and relentlessly to coarse your spirit by getting you in his darkness.

Your brain and mind knows the truth and you have a choice to decide but you always follow?the temptation and ignore the obvious and the danger, Sometimes because we are programmed to do so , or because of another invisible element that we have, and no body telling us about it. It is called the Qareen, This entity resides in every human being on earth, not in animal.

A passage that described the fall of Satan from heaven is Isaiah 14:12-15?. The context is primarily about a human king, as judgment is pronounced against Babylon?. The poetic language used by Isaiah is so grand, however, that many scholars have concluded that there is more to the passage. References to “the whole earth” (Isaiah 14;17), the king’s “fall from heaven” (verse 12), his desire to exalt himself “above the stars” (verse 13), and the symbolic name Lucifer?or?Light-bringer?(verse 12) are all expressions of hyperbolic greatness.

If the intended subject is?only?the human king of Babylon, then everything is figurative (and greatly exaggerated); however, if there is a secondary spiritual character in view, then the descriptions could be quite literal. God is pronouncing judgment on?both?“kings of Babylon”—the human king and the spiritual potentate who empowers him (Babylon?being a symbol of rebellion from Genesis to Revelation). The wonderment of Isaiah 14:12?(“How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!”) could indeed have a dual interpretation.

Further, the book of the Revelation describes “a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth” (Revelation 9:1 ). This “star” is given a key to the bottomless pit and proceeds to release a horde of tormenting “locusts” (Revelation 9;2-11). While revelation 9:1?is not a clear reference to Satan, it?could?be: the fact that the “star” that fell from heaven has a key (authority) is no problem, especially since he uses the key to unleash terror upon the earth.

The passage that best supports the idea that Satan took one third of the angels with him in rebellion is Revelation 12:3-4?, John sees a sign in heaven: “An enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads. Its tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth.

John then relates that the dragon was hurled down to the earth and positively identifies it as “that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray” (Revelation 12:9). The dragon is not thrown to earth alone, however: “His angels were cast out with him” (verse 9). The angels that are ejected from heaven with Satan we associate with the “third of the stars” that the dragon’s tail swept from heaven to earth in verse 4.

If the “stars” of?REVELATION 12:4 are indeed a symbolic reference to Satan’s “angels” in verse 9, then what we have is a reference to the fall of a portion of the angels (the heavenly hosts) who followed Satan in his rebellion. Two thirds of the angels remained loyal to God and are called the “holy angels” in Scripture

(e.g. Mark 8:38?); one third of the original angels joined Satan and are called “unclean spirits” or “Demons” Mark 9:25.

Remember that all the universe was a super large water world, the first and only ocean that God created and his thrown was on it at the start before he divided the universe to 7 sections and made his new thrown , so where did this water go ? possibly it changes to water planets, gas, and help to form other stars and planets as the water was filled with minerals and sea creatures. with the explosions that follow all living things in that super ocean burned and if any DNA left it must be buried somewhere deep inside the stars and planets .,and NASA should focus on finding the DNA of those sea creatures , possibly 150 meters under the ground of the planet's surface.

Quran- HUD, (11:7)?''And He it is Who created the heavens and the earth in six periods of time, and [before that] His Throne was upon the water that He may test you, who of you is better in conduct''.

What Is Dark Matter?

By fitting a theoretical model of the composition of the universe to the combined set of cosmological observations, scientists have come up with the composition that we described above, ~68% dark energy, ~27% dark matter, ~5% normal matter.

We are much more certain what dark matter is not than we are what it is. First, it is dark, meaning that it is not in the form of stars and planets that we see. Observations show that there is far too little visible matter in the universe to make up the 27% required by the observations.

Second, it is not in the form of dark clouds of normal matter, matter made up of particles called baryons. We know this because we would be able to detect baryonic clouds by their absorption of radiation passing through them.

Third, dark matter is not antimatter, because we do not see the unique gamma rays that are produced when antimatter annihilates with matter.

Finally, we can rule out large galaxy-sized black holes on the basis of how many gravitational lenses we see. High concentrations of matter bend light passing near them from objects further away, but we do not see enough lensing events to suggest that such objects make up the required 25% dark matter contribution.

However, at this point, there are still a few dark matter possibilities that are viable. Baryonic matter could still make up the dark matter if it were all tied up in brown dwarfs or in small, dense chunks of heavy elements.

These possibilities are known as massive compact halo objects. But the most common view is that dark matter is not baryonic at all, but that it is made up of other, more exotic particles like axioms?or?wimps.

Remember that the Bible mentioned that the angels who sided with God and those angels who sided with the devils have a great war in our universe and that a third of them follow the devil after a harsh war that brought ciaos into the cosmos, the war was with two thirds of the angels who stay with God and refused to be falling angels( demon). So does that mean 3.33 % followed the devil, and 6.66 followed God all together = 9.99% Leaving room for another entity 0.1%? What is this entity? Is it GOD THE ONE 1? Is it the universe itself ?

The Qareen usually is the opposite gander to you. So for male you get a female Qareen and for females you get a male Qareen. This entity actually semi controlled demonic entity , it cannot kill you but it can lead you to dangerous act that lead to killing yourself, it corrupt your thoughts and choice, it is not a falling angels ( demon) , they are related more to the Kingdome of the Jinn, and they assigned to you since birth .

The Qareen knows everything about you, but he/ she does not the future or what you will choose , they separate from you upon your death and come with you on the day of judgment and can witness against you. This entity can be trained and they do not have power over the prophets and God chosen individuals . They love to do anything against God's wishes and commandments. You can not use methods to get them out as they are part of you, and they can be weakened by worship and prayers.

You might have heard the fraise (( the Devil told me to do it)), and it is not the devil all the time , but it is your Qareen the entity that walk with you, it can influence your dreams, and it can push you so far with his lies , lust and corruption until it is too late. Then you will be noticing the change in your personality with increasing temperament, anger, fear, lack of patience, greed, lies, negativity, disrespectful personality, driven to lust and self destructive behaviors.

If it controls you it will lead you to Leaving those who truly love you and care for you because you think that there is no romance and sparks, there is no chemistry and common interests between both of you, and it is all the work of this entity and the devil, to distant you away from the good people, God fearing people toward lust and self destruction. Each of us does have a small amount of God light ( the soul ) .

The created universe is made of 68 % of dark energy, and 27% of dark matter; their power lies in their ability to go unnoticed, like the black halls, the jinn and demonic entities. Don't tell this to a psychiatrist; they will smile and shake their heads.

The stars, suns, moons and all other planets make about 5% of the seen universe and the light inside the human being make?about 0.03% and that is a scientific fact. The Qareen entity is made of fire. Highly energetic, love temper, anger, aggression, repression, motivated by negativity, greed, jealousy, and other 7 deadly sins.

Up to 60% of the?human?adult?body?is?water. According to H.H. Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry , the brain and heart are composed of 73%?water, and the lungs are about 83%?water. The skin contains 64%?water, muscles and kidneys are 79%, and even the bones are watery: 31%. We also have electricity , marantic fields, unseen lights and energy fields around us.

Males of average height have about 4 grams of?iron?in their?body, females about 3.5 grams, and it plays an important role to make blood and be part of the electromagnetic energy.

Heavier elements were mostly produced?much?later, inside of stars. Hydrogen and helium are estimated to make up roughly 74% and 24% of all baryonic matter in the?universe?respectively. It happens that iron, and its closest neighbors, have the largest “binding energy” out of the 7000 different Isotopes.

Binding energy is simply the amount of energy we need to give to the atomic nucleus to break it apart into the protons and neutrons it’s made of. High binding energy means it’s harder to break this nucleus;?it simply prefers to stay the way it is. On the other hand, a nucleus with low binding energy will be easily transformed into a different nuclear species, a different isotope or even a different element. In nature, this translates into having more of a particular type of element (high binding energy) and less of another (low binding energy).

Iron and its neighbors (elements between 22-30) occupy the top 38 places in the binding-energy ranking?.?And this basic nuclear property affects the stellar processes that create elements in the Universe. As a result, the heaviest stars will create an iron core in their centers, but never go beyond that. A lot of the stellar processes will end around iron, and therefore matter accumulates in the form of iron.

I think that the dark energy and dark matter in the universe are small mini / microscopic sub-particles (VACUUM PARTICLES) smaller than helium.

When you turn on the light in your room the darkness disappears at once, the darkness does not stay and go slowly but it will go away. That’s why in the presence of God and his angels the darkness and the devil will be gone; otherwise they will be dead and destroyed by the pure living light. In the same process the devil must corrupt you before it can control you and influence you because we have a small amount of God particles in us.

Just like 23% of the dark matter in the universe . Our brain is like a small universe with its connections, expanding and learning, shrinking and degeneration, death of the cell like the death of stars and expanding universe. We got iron and other minerals in our body like in the universe. We need the Iron to help the Oxygen to enter our cells and push it through our body from our heart.

God made it less harmful to the Qareen, and that is why the Qareen is so weak too until we get into the negative energy and destructive behaviour that make the God particle in us weaker then the Qareen can control us and makes it easy for other entities to influence us even more. Why does God allow this? Just as he allowed Lucifer to live and corrupt humans, it is a test of our faith, as tested Adam and Eve before us .

When the light is switched off the source of that energy is gone but the light photons and the energy of that light still linger on, it loses energy and they become invisible light. I called it dark energy, as we know energy can not be destroyed , but it can change and transform.

This dark energy of the universe is telling me that once the one third of the angels who were light and decided to follow Lucifer fought and got defeated ,and became the demonic figures called ( falling angels), and that the dark matter was a result of the defeated negative energy, while their weakened entity moved to earth.

I believe that one day , humans will discover that most of the dark energy is positive energy and dark light, darkened photons. And that most of dark matter is in fact a negative energy sub-particle. Some of those particles can turn on and off from positive to negative and vice versa.

God wants us to restore our balance and inner peace throws his light, the living light. God test us many times and we feel that no one is listening but he is always close to you, hear you and see you , knows your need and what you are going throw , he knows you are suffering , you have no jobs, you have bills to pay, you crying silently and comparing yourself to others but he want to test?the level of faith in you and to see how much light you allowed to enter in you and what choice you will make .Worship and prayers come bring you closer as it will teach us humbleness , kindness, and humility and then God will open up for you .

God gave us the spirit of power and not weakness, he gave us the spirit of light, love, power, strength and with that we can defeat any dark thought and to be in peace and balance. Statistics show that in our society at least 23% of the people have some sort of personnel and behavioral issues such as; bipolar, anger issues, paranoia, anxiety, psychosis, delusional, schizophrenia and many more psychological problems .

In Sorat the Iron (verse) Al hadeed in the Quran God mentioned about this Metal of Iron and how he descended the Iron into the centre of our earth. This verse is actually in the centre of the Quran, carrying the same number of the verse that is equal to the Iron atomic number. The iron, copper, and nickel make up a great percentage of the universe's stones, meteors, and planets along with many other gases and elements.

The iron in our body also plays great roles in the body electricity and magnetic, it is like our body and the universe in great balance and tomes together. The universe with all its physics such as gravity, pulling, vibration, frequencies, can be found in the human body and brain. Including the black holes in the universe represented in our dark and negative thinking and dark forces that control us such as bad thoughts, anger, and greed and so on.

Our body is growing until we die and the universe also will meet the same destiny, it is expanding and growing until one day it will die and all return to its original source.

All the universe including mankind are running and moving toward that source ,the living light we call God almighty as he is the pulling force ,the magnetic force, the great living light that controls all the energies in the universe . We are all connected somehow with the strength of energies visible and invisible. Like the invisible dark energy.

So If you are positive, worship and pray to the creator, rely on him and work hard, be kind and helpful, be at peace without self, and respect others, wish them goodness and pray for them the society around us will change slowly and step by step, our body become healthier and God light can heal our sickness as Jesus once did to the sick people

No difference between us humans and the stars, stones, and all the makeup of the universe as we all have purpose and destiny to reach, movements and action, reactions to each action and we are all connected somehow. The only difference in humans is that we have a choice, we accept God's law and his commandments, his covenant and his order, therefore?we have what we call the rewards and punishments for the good and bad deeds.

God also didn’t allow the dark energy and evil to take control of us without our permissions , he allow us to repent and seek forgiveness and he ask us to do so after each mistake and always to be alert so God can send his living light throw us some call it the holy spirit ,some call it the teaching of the holy books and some call it God faith throw his messengers.

If the blood in our body stops moving the blood will be clotted with thrombosis and we will die, if the rivers and ocean stopped from moving the water will dry slowly and or will be rotten like our body after death. If the universe and all its stars and planets stopped it will die, one area is overheated and other areas will be over freezes and they destroy each other or explode, our earth will die from heat in one side and cold in other side.

The seasons will stop affecting our farms and food supplies, our animals and the winds. Flooding and droughts, animals of the seas and ocean will vanish and our air will be full of disease and bacteria.

That’s why walking, and exercising is good for our body to balance our strength and muscles, our breathing, our digestive system and health in general.

This point is the central area where every single thing is turning like the pilgrimage around the Kaaba?in Mecca. While God's light surrounded all that from outside to unlimited and undesirable distance, he is around everything; no one ever can know his limitless size and power.

The time will freeze in his prescience; he is the living light, timeless, with the 99 names adjective given to him, and with the strength theory made everything connected .God that does not sleep or blink, as Moses once asked God?, Do you sleep? God told him that he does not sleep and he does not need to sleep like a human; sleep is for those who are tired and weak. If he slept less than a second the entire universe would collapse and be destroyed and he gave him the example of the glass of water.?

Human needs a good sleep to balance his body, regenerate and give the brain and muscles some rest for the next day. Fasting is also good for some people to balance their health, health food, clean and kosher food, positive thinking and good attitude are good for our immune system to fight disease and to think clearly so the evil dark forces don’t take hold of you.

Remember that God wants you to be healthy, in peace, strong spirited, kind, walk the walk and talk the talk, helpful, positive and move toward goodness as if you stop and listen to the evil forces you will rot from the inside with jealousy, envy, anger, stress, lust, self destructive behaviors, temptations, negative thoughts and slowly your spirit of light will be dark and depression will sets in.

The term dark energy and dark matters are mostly unknown than is known. We know how much dark energy there is because we know how it affects the universe's expansion. Other than that, it is a complete mystery. But it is an important mystery. It turns out about 68% and not 73% as some scientist indicated, 68%?of the universe is dark energy. Dark matter makes up about 27% and not 23% of the universe.

The rest - everything on Earth, everything ever observed with all of our instruments, all normal matter - adds?up to less than 5% of the universe. Come to think of it, maybe it shouldn't be called "normal" matter at all, since it is such a small fraction of the universe.

One explanation for dark energy is that it is a property of space. Albert Einstein was the first person to realize that empty space is not nothingness. Space has amazing properties, many of which are just beginning to be understood. The first property that Einstein discovered is that it is possible for more space to come into existence.

Then one version of Einstein's gravity theory, the version that contains a cosmological constant, makes a second prediction: "empty space" can possess its own energy. Because this energy is a property of space itself, it would not be diluted as space expands.

As more space comes into existence, more of this energy-of-space would appear. As a result, this form of energy would cause the universe to expand faster and faster. (to me they are missing the point , to me the universe is running to all directions and turning around God's throne , where is that thrown , this is the problem as it is so far and no human will ever reach it until the end when everything will end .

Unfortunately, no one understands why the cosmological constant should even be there, much less why it would have exactly the right value to cause the observed acceleration of the universe.?

In cosmology, the cosmological constant (usually denoted by the Greek capital letter lambda: Λ) is the energy density of space, or vacuum energy, that arises in Einstein's?field equations of general relativity. It is closely associated with the concepts of dark energy and quintessence.

Another explanation for how space acquires energy comes from the quantum theory of matter. In this theory, "empty space" is actually full of temporary ("virtual") particles that continually form and then disappear. But when physicists tried to calculate how much energy this would give empty space, the answer came out wrong - wrong by a lot.

The number came out 10120?times too big. That's a 1 with 120 zeros after it. It's hard to get an answer that bad. So the mystery continues.

Another explanation for dark energy is that it is a new kind of dynamical energy fluid or field, something that fills all of space but something whose effect on the expansion of the universe is the opposite of that of matter and normal energy.

Some theorists have named this "quintessence," after the fifth element of the Greek philosophers. But, if quintessence is the answer, we still don't know what it is like, what it interacts with, or why it exists. So the mystery continues.

A last possibility is that Einstein's theory of gravity is not correct. That would not only affect the expansion of the universe, but it would also affect the way that normal matter in galaxies and clusters of galaxies behaved. This fact would provide a way to decide if the solution to the dark energy problem is a new gravity theory or not: we could observe how galaxies come together in clusters.

But if it does turn out that a new theory of gravity is needed, what kind of theory would it be? How could it correctly describe the motion of the bodies in the Solar System, as Einstein's theory is known to do, and still give us the different predictions for the universe that we need? There are candidate theories, but none are compelling. So the mystery continues.

The thing that is needed to decide between dark energy possibilities - a property of space, a new dynamic fluid, or a new theory of gravity - is more data, better data.

Our body is moving ,the blood and every single cell in it all turning and moving , like the electrons, protons, neutrons and the smallest atoms everything is moving, turning around itself or others ,our stars, moon, suns ,planets and everything in the universe are moving, running, turning around itself ,around its sun and its galaxy and all of that turning around bigger and bigger galaxies that yet to be discovered and everything turning around the point that I call the Throne?of God .

I had a dream back in 1973 , I dreamt that 2 angels came to me holding my hands, one from each hand pulling me nicely and telling me that God wanted to talk to you . I was so afraid I told them please leave me but they took me and I saw a large cloud in the sky came and stood over us and then God spoke from behind the clouds and told me WHY I LEFT MY PRAYERS AND MY WORSHIP TO HIM? The sound was an amazing power with light and thunder coming from the cloud.

In time when God accepts your worship his blessings spell over everything and change it, that when you know you are increased in faith and you are on God's side when you start changing yourself to be good things around you change too.

It is like positive thinking.

Do prayers, worship and tones with almighty change things? Many researchers of faith and scholars believe so as part of God's miracle to revive us from the inside to be better, healthier, tones with God ,full with light of mercy and blessing the light that can heal and change , and it all depends on the degree of our faith.

It is our choice Faith or Doubt, Positive or negative attitudes. God didn’t leave us alone he sent us prophets, holy books, rules and laws, commandments and guides so we can walk into the light of faith and not go starry to the darkness of temptations

Without light, you slowly rotten from the inside, without God you allow the dark energy to seep into your body and it will reflect on your behaviour , as a human you do not notice it at first because the evil one works silently and relentlessly to coarse your spirit by getting you in his darkness.

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Wishing you a happy new year full of light love and peace of mind.


