Light & Dark side I notice both of them
Kishore Ramkrishna Shintre
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We see light and dark sides of life often. You got the Living Force (Light) and you got the Cosmic Force (Dark). I think personally I would be Sith, Grey Jedi looks cool too. The Jedi are not my favorite as far as beliefs go and are kind of boring compared to the other factions. Master … is the Light Side inferior?
“Yes. Duh.” Oh, that makes - Wait, what?
“You heard me. Now get out; I’m meditating.”
But … Master …“Something else on your mind?
No, I just … wasn’t expecting you to say that.
“Johnson … look. Do you have any idea how many people ask me that question?”
I, uh … I thought it was pretty original, actually, Master.
“I assure you, it was not.” But what’s the answer?
“I already told you. The Light Side is inferior.”
That’s not what Master Yoda said.
"Oh, you asked him?” Well, technically, I asked him if the Dark Side is stronger.
“And he said. ‘No, no. Quicker, more seductive,’ right?”
Those … those exact words, actually.
“And?” Well, I understand that, but I wanted to know if that means the Light Side is inferior, and then Master Yoda said, “Nothing more will I teach you today.” So I’m asking you.
“Well, you’ve asked. Yes, the Light Side is inferior. But how -
Oh, Johnson, come on. If you have to ask the question at all, then yes, sure, whatever, fuck it all to hell. It’s the wrong question, Johnson.”But … how?
How what, Johnson?” How … well … how does the Dark Side lose, then? “What do you mean, lose? Is that what you think this is? A big competition, Light vs. Dark, two sides enter, one side leaves?”
Well … kinda of, Master. Yes.
“Why?”Well … the … the Sith, Master. We sort of killed them, didn’t we?
Well … Light vs. Dark, like you said.
“Johnson, we killed the Sith because they’re monsters bent on galactic domination through control of the Force. They’re like a cancer on the Force; they aren’t the Dark Side.”
But don’t we oppose the Dark Side?
“Of course not, Johnson. The Dark Side is as natural as death. It’s a vital part of life”
Then how come - “How come we don’t serve the Dark Side too? Because death will take care of itself, Johnson. It’s life that needs nurturing.”
Oh. So the Light Side is superior for knowledge and defense, but the Dark Side is superior for death and destruction? Which is superior depends upon your point of view?
“No! Johnson, it isn’t a competition! Looking at it as a competition is itself unbalancing, giving the Dark Side too much emphasis, too much sway. Leave the Dark Side alone, Johnson. It will be there in it’s appointed place at its appointed time just fine without you. There is no inferior or superior. There is the Force.”
So … it’s all kind of … gray?
“Sigh. Nothing more will I teach you today.”
The Living Force is both peace and violence, cold and warm, life and death. The Jedi simply split the Living Force into peace, warmth, and life. Calling it the Light Side. Everything else became the Dark Side.As if the Jedi were the supreme authority over the Force.The Sith didn't and don't even embraced violence, cold and death. Seeing that to a Sith, the Dark Side is emotion, fire, and very raw un-distilled essence of life.
Both Jedi and Sith use the Living Force. They simply use it in a different way.So these are the actual differences you'll see if you pay attention to what the Jedi and Sith actually do in terms of using the Force. Just because a Force user begins to use emotions that doesn't necessarily makes him more powerful.Look at Anakin! He said to Padmé he was becoming more powerful than any Jedi had ever dream it was possible. But still Obi-Wan defeated him nonetheless. If he indeed was more powerful than ever, then it wouldn't matter how good Obi-Wan defenses were. Anakin would've sliced through them like a hot knife through butter.
So the truth was that Anakin was drunk on his newfound freedom, and he mistook that as him actually becoming more powerful. If the Dark Side indeed was so easy and so accessible, then the Sith would be by the millions instead of just two. Darth Plagueis himself said that each new power he tried to obtain from the Force, he had to struggle to get it. For the Force resisted him the more he tried to accomplish.
It depends on two things. Are you wondering about the Jedi and the Sith view or what the Light and Dark sides are in nature?? Regardless I will answer both. In Nature the Light Side is the Living Force and the Dark Side is the Cosmic Force. The Living Force feeds the Cosmic Force and the Cosmic Force powers the Living Force. So Light and Darkness in an endless cycle. Forming a perfectly balanced circle.The Living Force in nature also manifests itself in two ways.The Living Force is evenly distributed
The Living Force is extremely concentrated in one placeAnd now we can go unto the Jedi and the Sith and you'll understand why I left them to last.The way a Jedi draws on the energy of the Force is by drawing it in, making the Force flow through them. As effortlessly as possible. And to achieve that effortlessly capacity a Jedi will silence/bury/control his emotions.
Thus the Force flows through the Jedi empowering him and not affecting him in any unforeseen way. To a Jedi the Dark Side feels cold. Like the coldest cold imaginable. Also the way a Sith draws on the Force is different. A Sith will draw on the Force making it flow into them, to the deepest parts of oneself. And holding on to any ounce of power they could. Thus you can now see why to a Jedi the Dark Side feels cold. It feels cold because the Dark Side user is drawing more intensively on the Force making it flow into them instead of making it flow through them.
But to a Sith because they draw the Force so deeply into themselves they also gain a deeper understanding of things around them. Maybe because drawing the Force so deep into themselves intensifies the most primordial aspects of oneself. Which also helps to understand why those that use the Dark Side cling so much to their emotions. Because what is more primordial than emotions. So as you can see what a Jedi does and what a Sith does is mimicking the Force in Nature.
A Jedi by making the Force flow through them they are mimicking how the Force works mostly in Nature. A Sith however by making the Force flow into the deepest parts of themselves and keeping it within, they are mimicking those places known as Force Nexus. Places in Nature where the Force is unusually concentrated in a single place. Now, are these the light and dark sides of the Force?! Of course not! They are what the Jedi and Sith made of the Living Force. They split the Living Force into two opposite sides when in fact there are no sides. Even the Night sisters understand this.
Luke once asked this the puppet he was carrying on his back. The deal with the dark side is that it does seem to give you everything you want. One feels more powerful,freed of shackles of morality and compassion,giving into anger,hate,pain. The difference is long term. One truly powerful with the Light side becomes one with the Force. He doesn’t fear death,he embraces it: In essence one becomes way more powerful as the Jedi reaching this level has truly become immortal. With the dark side,one starts off with more aggression and light shows but look at the end results. Cheers!
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