Light A Candle
7 Skills For The Future
We're passionate about helping business professionals thrive in the workplace and at home through personal development.
As I write it is a dreary, rainy and windy December day. It’s not cold but it is grey and quite dark. So this morning I lit a candle upon waking and it made me think of the simple power and energy of candle light. I have resolved to light candles as sort of reminders or cues for ways to think and feel over the winter months:
A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle. - James Keller
For intention setting – at the start of the day, especially when it is dark outside, a candle brings warmth, energy and even scent which can be a great part of a morning routine. I’m setting one by my bedside to light upon waking and it will also help to remind me to write in my gratitude diary. The phone is nowhere near me.
For starting a project – today I have some materials to prepare for workshops later this month. Alongside there are numerous other projects and tasks competing for my attention. The candle will remain lit until I’ve finished this work and used the best part of the day to dedicate to it.
For mindfulness practice – Lighting a candle can be a great way to start and end a mindfulness practice whether that’s by simply breathing, listening to one of the great mindfulness apps out there or simply drinking a cup of warming tea.
For reflection – without reflection we have less awareness and it’s so easy to rush through the day without ever taking any time to pause and reflect. Lighting a candle can be a fantastic way to tap into reflection and quiet. Once you quieten your mind you’ll be amazed at the benefits – from feeling calmer to finding solutions to something that is niggling at you to coming up with a great idea.
Why not light a candle today??