Life's too short
Oh Mondays. They always come around too quickly and, let’s be honest, the mind isn't always in gear for the week just yet. Sometimes we can drift off and thoughts can wonder. Don’t worry, we’ve all done it, we’re all human! We start to have fanciful ideas about weird and wonderful things… like winning the lottery, or moving country, or changing jobs; generally doing something a bit eccentric with our lives.
On the moving country front, I’ve heard that Germany’s a nice place to live.
It’s the land of beer, Bratwurst and Bavarian dancing. It has the most jaw-droppingly beautiful scenery and some pretty beautiful people too (hello Heidi Klum!) And it’s surprisingly full of the best creatives the world has seen.
For a number of years the creative industry in Germany has seen a significant increase in innovation and imaginative output.
Take a look at the Life's Too Short campaign which has been floating around the internet for a while now; it’s to the point, funny and can be well positioned in various public places - two lovely examples can be seen in the picture above and the one below:
If your marvelous Monday brain is now thinking ‘wouldn’t it be great to create that next viral advert…?’ then I want to speak to you.
I want those individuals who’d love to take a leap of faith, who aspire to work for a fantastic global healthcare advertising agency in Central Western Germany.
I’m looking for a fully-fledged Conceptual Copywriter and Senior Art Director to join this evolving agency. You’ll have the opportunity to work with some of the brightest minds, get hands on with cutting edge technology and have a tidy little salary as well.
It’s a bold move for an even bolder person, and life is too short to wonder "what if?"
If this sounds right up your street, drop me a line on [email protected] or call 01293 584300 for a chat.
I do understand that this could all be a bit daunting and the making the move might not be for everyone, but have no fear as I have a number of equally excellent opportunities based here in the UK as well, just get in touch.