Life’s Priorities: Motivate Action …

Life’s Priorities: Motivate Action …

1 Corinthians 15:58 ~ Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of The LORD, because you know that your labor in The LORD is not in vain.?

Abba Father good morning ~ Living life within God the Father ~ God the Son ~ God the Holy Spirit: It will not go unnoticed. Our life is under observation. Godliness is not hiding to be unseen. Heaven above is engaging within our life. The Lord Our God’s holiness is intentionally involved. It is alive everywhere. It is actively living among real people living real life. Our life: We must slowdown. Live still. Listen quietly. The ways of this world is creating its own beauty; worldly deceptive beauty of its own. Surgeries changing appearances to be what the ways of this world calls acceptable, pleasing, fulfilling. Fancy vehicles: cars, boats, motorcycles, all-terrain, airplanes; all drawing our attention to achieving more is better. Oversized homes, getaway cabins, spacious yards: all overpowering life to exhaustion. When is enough, enough? Putting too much time, too much energy, too many resources into this worldly world. Our life: We will miss the real beauty The Lord Our God is actively providing within every moment throughout life. Free-gifts of heavenly worth that cannot be earned, cannot be purchased, and cannot be created by the ways of this world. Blessings upon blessings. Life-changing undeserved grace engaging within our heart to feel Godliness. Opening our mind to understand Godliness. Comforting our weary soul within protective promises of Godliness. Heaven above is engaging within our life. The Lord Our God is providing willingly, abundantly, faithfully for every moment of our life. Providing for our life, our family, our friends, strangers, wildlife, nature, universe. All miracles of everlasting life in heaven abundantly alive; blessings bringing living affirmation there’s more to this life than this worldly world of brokenness. The best: It is actively coming. All purposefully created, uniquely designed, and intimately put in motion with heavenly purpose. Magnificently enhancing all of life. How is it possible to live surrounded with so much life, and still miss the true-meaning and engageable pleasures of cleansing, redeeming, restorational undeserved grace? Blessings for our life to willingly breathe. Free-gifts intimately and actively breathing everlasting life (Holy Spirit) into life’s brokenness (our sinfulness) within anointed sustainable life (Christ Jesus) within everlasting life in heaven (Abba Father). Life-changing gifts to enjoy: unwrappable, openable, engageable, cherish-able, breathable. Fully engageable gifts preciously prepared and shareable breathing heavenly purpose, heavenly worth, heavenly passion. Free-gifts breathing everlasting life in heaven. Water clinching our thirst. Food fulfilling our hunger. Air sustaining our life. Free-gifts; Blessings within The Lord Our God who is actively loving all of life intimately. Our life: preciously. Slowdown. Live still. Listen quietly. The living bible repeatedly teaches everything created by humans; it will all be destroyed. Vanished forever. Never to exist again. This same bible: It teaches our life to live engaging protective promises within The Lord Our God; engageable blessings within every moment of our life. Heavenly promises to never leave us, never forsake us, never abandon us. Engageable blessings of undeserved grace: living hope, agape love, sacrificial forgiveness, everlasting life in heaven. The bible: It teaches our life to live prepared in advance. Live alert in all situations. Live aware of our surroundings. Reading, holding, embracing the living bible, our life will engage heavenly wisdom within truthfulness, discernment within living affirmation, undeniable faithfulness within protective promises. Godliness for our life; heavens holiness at its very best. Heavenly comforts sustaining an inner-core need instilled deeply within our heart, our mind, our soul. A need to live loved, forgiven, protected. A need to live cleansed, redeemed, restored. A need for heavenly blessing. Free-gifts of life-changing undeserved grace fully engageable within every moment within all hardships, struggles, trials, temptations, uncertainties. Blessings flowing freely into our life within living faith; heavenly faith living believing, accepting, trusting, following within Our Living God, Our Lord Christ Jesus, Holy Spirit. Living within heaven faith: Our life is living sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. If not extremely cautious. Intentionally focused. The ways of this world living influenced by satan’s ungodliness: it will attempt to conceal, bury, overpower all the engageable life-changing gifts of undeserved grace. How is our life using our time, our energy, our resources? What are we purposefully instilling deeply within our heart, our mind, our soul? Take some time. Reflect throughout this day. Live alertly. It will be critical. What are our priorities within our life? Remember. Our life: We have a choice, a decision, a way of life to choose. Our life can live following satan’s world of ungodliness into eternal darkness. Or. Our life can willingly live engaging within God the Father ~ God the Son ~ God the Holy Spirit. Living life at its very best within The Lord Our God’s life-changing undeserved grace is fully engageable. Engageable blessings breathing living hope, agape love, sacrificial forgiveness, everlasting life in heaven. Heaven above engaging within our life. Reflect if you must with extreme urgency. This life: It counts. Our life’s priorities: They motivate our life to actively live within Godliness or ungodliness. This life: It counts. Live alertly.?

Father ~ Thank you for providing an engageable path within life, fully livable within Our Lord Christ Jesus. Life at its very best actively breathing cleansing, redeeming, restorational undeserved grace into my sinful life. Abba Father ~ Breathe protective blessings into my inner-core. Open my heart, my mind, my soul to live within Godliness. Engaging my life within heavens holiness. I will need help living cleansed, redeemed, restore. I will need help living intimately blessed and intimately protected. I will need help living my life boldly, courageously, fearlessly within you forever Abba Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit.

Michael J Zenner ?


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