Life’s lessons from Archie
Dr.Chandrika Kambam
Founder & MD at Anastomos-connects healthcare professionals(HCP) with the Industry. I am a Health-tech and Healthcare consultant,Mentor,Advisor, ESG-Healthcare Specialist.
Mr. Archie is my pet Labrador, came into our world on May 17th, 2011. I was cynophobic before I met Archie. My daughter who was around 6 yrs. old at that time, was also developing similar phobia like mine. At that point I decided that I must get a pet to help her as well as myself to overcome this phobia. I still remember first day when Archie was brought in a small basket, he was a 40-day old puppy. I wonder what he was thinking, about the family that he is now going to have and how his life will be, will he be loved enough and cared for. Or was he really thinking that, I wonder.
Unconditional Love:
One of the most important lessons Archie has taught us is to be selfless and give unconditional love. It does’t matter who you are, what your background is, whether you scold him, chase him around or whack him, he comes back to you with ever forgiving love, affection and desire to be with you and crave for only food and a stoke on his head. Even if you don’t go and see him for months together, when you return, neither does he judge you, nor is he angry with you for not being there for him. He just greets you with the same enthusiasm and gives you his 100% love and affection.
Commitment and Persistent:
His commitment and persistence always amaze me. Whether you come home past midnight, or you are leaving to the airport at 3 am, there is one person who is always awake to send and receive you, and that’s Archie. He does it day, after day, year after year, without expecting anything in return and not really looking for your appreciation.
Archie’s kennel is near my kitchen and every time, I am in my kitchen, his eyes are fixed on me. However tired he is, whatever time it is, his eyes are fixed on me as long as I am in the kitchen. He just keeps looking at you for no reason. Of course, if it’s his snack time, or Dinner or lunch time, he demands his right and does’t stop barking until I give him his food.
Never give up:
When Archie was young, we use to make ourselves a cup of coffee in the morning and we would go to the garden to play with him. He would watch us making coffee and the moment he would see us pick up our coffee mugs, he would come and wait for us near the living room window to see if we were going to the garden. If we did go towards the garden, he would get excited and wait near the gate. Over the years, we slowly stopped going to the garden to play with him. But never has he given up on us. Every time I pick up my coffee mug, he waits near the living room window with so much enthusiasm.
We humans have made our lives so complicated. All we think of is ourselves and things that will satisfy our egos to such an extent we don’t care even if someone is destroyed in the process. Can we all live like Archie even for one day? By loving people unconditionally, being committed to the people we love, being persistent enough to overcome our difficulties, being loyal and to never give up on what we want? People are either too committed and take responsibilities too seriously and expect similar response in return or they are quite irresponsible. Why can’t we take the path of Archie, i.e. being indifferent, where I fulfill my responsibilities to you, but I do not expect anything in return from you. If you love me back, I am happy, if you don’t, I am happy too. Because the reason for my existence is independent of you. If you adopt this concept, life becomes so much easier and worth living!
Be indifferent, but not irresponsible!