Join us every Tuesday at 9pm EST 516-531-9819 or; nbsp; nbsp; WHEN THINGS SEEM IMPOSSIBLE, SING A SONG!! nbsp;featuring ARTIST EXTRAORDINAIRE nbsp;BABA TOMMIE THOMPSON Our esteemed guest tonight, Tommie Thompson, is extremely multi-talented, as a BROADWAY ACTOR, SINGER amp; DANCER. nbsp;He has a storehouse filled with unlimited wisdom in holistic healing, a true server to people and many other gifts. He is extremely intuitive as he listens with a very discerning ear as he chats with others. Tommie is very sensitive to words and how they impact a person with regard to the outcomes in their life as well as how they feel. Our words are powerful Tommie will explain with a passion to help you perhaps choose a different word to express your thoughts! Come join the open discussion, allow your voice to be heard. Tune in and learn as well, be encouraged to add your voice. nbsp; See you on the radio