Lifelong Insights – New Podcast Interview with Rick Tocquigny
From Mickey Mantle to Why Innovating is Lonely….

Lifelong Insights – New Podcast Interview with Rick Tocquigny From Mickey Mantle to Why Innovating is Lonely….

I love the podcast format to just sit back and think out loud on what we are learning in life with leaders who are expert at interviews, like Rick Tocquigny, who leads a great podcast series called the Success Made to Last Legends Podcast.?In our 28-minute talk, we touched on several important moments in my career, thus far.?Here’s a few that stick out.

Innovation is Lonely – when you build new models or start new companies, I am always amazed at how people will say “why do you think that will work” or “you sure you can do that” or some other piece of helpful advice.??Having the courage to take a chance requires an inner peace that is worth thinking about vs. listening too closely to some of the advice we do get.

How to Prepare to Take Risk – if we are honest, we all have moments where we get “the butterflies”.?That’s normal.?What we need to do is prepare ourselves so that we can harness this energy and make the most of it.?I liken it to getting prepared to play in sports, since I grew up as an athlete and had to continually prepare, conquer anxiety, and just get out there and do my best.

Breakdowns do Lead to Breakthroughs -- early in my career, I was part of a team at CIBA-GEIGY (now Novartis) where we presented to the marketing leadership team on a launch plan for the 13th non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) to enter the U.S.?Marketing rejected our plan and told us to go figure out a plan that will succeed.?We were initially dejected.

Next thing I know I am on a plane to Joplin, Missouri to recruit Mickey Mantle to be our spokesperson.?Fast forward and we launched with Mickey and became #2 in the U.S. market in six months.

We never would have built that breakthrough campaign without the initial breakdown.?Perspective matters in life.?

Some of the Best Stories May Never Be Told – I reflect on a lesson I learned from Dan Vasella, when he was CEO of Novartis.?After the Tsunami of 2004, Dan directed leaders to help countries and people in need worldwide.?He also asked that we not publicize our efforts in any manner.?His strongly held view was that we should just do the right thing and if people figure it out later, great.?If not, also fine.?It was the most significant example of being truly humble in the corporate world I’ve ever been part of.???

Why the ABCDE Model was createdKip Knight and Ed Tazzia and myself wrote the book, Crafting Persuasion, based on the ABCDE Model, which was created by the hard work of 15+ teachers for the U.S. State Department who didn’t give up until we could figure out how to build, tell and share a more powerful story in a model that can scale worldwide, so it could just as easily work in Kazakhstan or Brazil. Judging on the notes we routinely receive from leaders in Africa, South America, Asia, and some remote parts of the world, I would say the team has built a powerful and long-lasting model.

Knowing if Your Team is Really Doing What You Asked – Sam Gibbons was my regional director when I was in sales and he was one of my informal mentors, who may have never known the impact he was having on me.?I remember being asked to lead a district planning meeting for 10 salespeople for two days, as part of my sales management training. After the meeting, Sam asked a simple question – “what will everyone do next and how do you know?”.??I told Sam that I told everyone what they needed to do.?Sam repeated his question and I realized I did not know.?I might have been articulate, but it wasn’t clear we had a game plan that was easy to check on months later.?Never forgot this lesson.?

Why Sound Can Break Language Barriers – we talked about how sound or emojis can help transcend language barriers and how important that is to accelerate how we communicate worldwide.

The Silver Lining of Covid-19 – Covid has made us all wonder if we are running our lives, professionally and personally, in the best way.?This is changing how we work, how we interact with our friends and family, and it is also reinforcing what we value in the workplace.?These results are healthy for us professionally and will lead to a better way over time.

What Successful People are Really Like – I have worked alongside many top CEOs and C-Suite leaders for my entire career, plus I have been exposed to how great athletes, musicians and other leaders reflect on their work.?The headline is simple.?People who are successful never believe they are successful.?They always think of what they can do better and must be reminded sometimes that they are doing good things too. ?In reality, they often find praise to be slightly embarrassing. They are far more comfortable figuring out what to improve.?

So, if you are on the road to being a great leader and you are being hard on yourself in each situation you find yourself in, just remember that so are the best leaders in our world.?You are not alone.???

We ended with an update on the next books I am involved in writing.?The first is a book on the future of consulting firms.?It looks at what is timeless and what is evolving and what the next generation of firms will look like. ?The second will be a book on security written for the non-security expert.?Think of it as making security simple so we can protect ourselves, our brands, our companies, our communities, and our countries.?And the third book, which I am also actively writing, is my first novel, a technology thriller set in Austin that features a technology expert who has decided that they can improve our world through their skills.?Law enforcement, of course, has a different interpretation of their actions.?

Rick, thank you for such a fun discussion.?Look forward to our next one.

Best, Bob ??

Note: thank you to Edward Jones for their support of the podcast.?I recommend you look at and Rick’s podcasts.??Plus, has great sources available, if you are interested in analytics, measurement and more.?

Rick Tocquigny

Board Member, Voted Top 5 Best Podcast Interviewers, Host: Success Made to Last Legends Podcasts, Publisher, Pulitzer Prize Finalist, Author: When Core Values are Strategic, Texas A&M grad, P&G Alumnus, Brand Mentor

2 年

Bob- that was an outstanding interview on Success Made to Last. Loved the stories on the Mick.



