Is life lonely without the loved ones

Is life lonely without the loved ones

That is what every guru tells himself, even when he has some family members alive, after accepting Sanyas as part of the order. Then how must they all feel about it? They then convert their affection and love for the few - their family members - to affection and love for all. When they do that, instead of feeling depressed they enjoy abundant joy and peace. So, the person who is facing this dilemma, can learn and follow that and be happy in life. No we don't! If you are spiritual enough you will get to know that we are never alone. We always have people around us or it would be better to say, souls! Yes , we are never alone!

From the spiritual point of view all of us has a guardian angel. S/he stays with us no matter where we are! We are spiritual beings , or in simple language, Souls! We all come into contact with people we have known earlier, like in past lives. I recommend you to refer to the book "Many Lives, Many Masters" by Dr. Brian Weiss. And if not spiritual, lets take it theoretically. Man is a social animal! A person can not stay isolated. He needs to interact with people. Even introverts cant go long with interacting.

Personally I was kinda a loner myself and I fail to make friends as well or used to. Read. Read. Read you'll be feeling better in no time. Focus on your academics. Exercise. Having a good health will make you feel real good. Keep yourself engaged. Look, if you keep yourself engaged all the time then you will not require anyone's company. And as you'll get better and gain more value people will start approaching you and yeah you'll have friend's as well. Also, if you're satisfied being alone like I am then you'll be self- reliant. Isn't that great? Oh also. You'll have so much time to yourself and personal development.!

If you still want friends though - I suggest you devote a lot of time on 1 or 2 people. Who are just as alone as you are. You'll find an awesome friend in them. Actually you shall find that many people do live alone. While in this century due to communication nets any sphere of solitude is becoming smaller and smaller, in times before there were many savants and medicine men and alike, who lived alone in huts in jungles or mountains. Today also some people get tired of the society and system and get out of the radar range and live alone in camper vehicles. Obviously you won't hear about them on the media.

Anyway, I'd like to mention here that your first assumption is false: you did not come alone in this world. At the very least your mother had to be there for you, or else you would not exist. But yes, you do exit alone, preferably at a ripe and proper age, with a calm and content mindset. However, humans were evolved as social animals; that means we depend upon each other to survive. Indeed, we have next to no ability to feed from nature on our own - we have no claws, sharp teeth, hard bones, poisonous stings, feathers, fur - nothing.

All we have is a big plucking brain; and intelligence tells us the first thing - make someone else do it. So we form bands, groups, families, governments, societies - and then we play politics to shift the workload. Since there are so many different kinds of stuff to do, there is no end of this responsibility juggling, and from a child point of view this takes form as a bonding. No matter how harsh it sounds, but it is a fact that you would not have loved mommy if she didn't have tits to feed you. And she would not have loved daddy without his money/protection/convenience. And neither of them would have loved you if they had no hope for you. You can follow this line of hard reasoning and see what love and bonding truly is: a combo of various ratios of emotional, physical and economical dependencies.

I love my space. I spend most of the day here. Either I study or work. Yes, I am preparing for govt job exams. .Sleeping at sharp 10:00 PM and waking up at 5–6 AM makes me happy :) I can’t compromise my sleep for anyone. Whenever I get bored, amazon prime is there to chill me out or I love listening to Ted Talks. I have developed a reading habit. I finished off 4 novels and now reading Indian Polity I just love reading this.

I love to read Political Blogs and listen to Political interviews (not Sambit Patra). I just love to gather knowledge about Indian Politics (no interest in becoming a Politician) Love to spend time with my family. I crack lame jokes and we all enjoy the moment. Satisfying. Whenever I get the opportunity I travel and travel alone. Plug-in the earphones and you are the boss. I spend 1–2 hours in the evening sitting alone (either I go out or terrace is there for me) and talking to myself about any random stuff and that calms me like nothing.

I love spiritualism hence I also keep myself busy in reading blogs about that and knowing as much as I can. I love being secular here hence read about every religion. I am happy alone because I am just enjoying this moment. I won’t deny that sometimes it feels like there should be someone to whom I can share everything but I know I won’t be able to handle consequences. Being alone is not a curse, treat it as an opportunity to develop yourself into something more mature and more productive. Cheers!


