LifeLeadeshipExcellence : Excellence in Life - An Outlook

"In Conversation...10"


Leadership Initiatives for Excellence in Life

Excellence - in Life : An Outlook

Excellence is the quality of being excellent; an outstanding feature or quality. It is to excel in any activity or sphere.

Excellence in Life would get crafted out from the definition of Life, the destination designed and the processes adopted to fulfill the values desired.

This would be a holistic effect of life's design. Excellence in life may be accounted in two frames i,e, firstly; at different 'stages' of life (with age); like childhood, youth, periods of transitions, maturity, elderly stages, etc; and secondly; excellence in various 'domains of life' i,e, personal growth, education, career, health, family, relationships, financial, spiritual, etc. It would be seen that the two frames would overlap and are criss-crossed, based on the need/ value. Meeting these needs, would be as per the design for a short or long term milestones. This is the crux of the process for Excellence.

Excellence in Life lies in understanding the Ultimate, Smaller & Varying needs (clarity) at various stages and domains, reducing the conflicts, making of value based plans, executing as per one's inner strength and values; and achieving the milestones. That is where the "Leadership Initiatives come to act for achieving Excellence in Life".

The analysis or deliberations about the life must be foresighted and carried out at frequent / regular intervals, especially when there is pressing value based needs, necessitated out of the life stages based phenomenon or as an outcome of domains of life; or even may be a combination of these. It may appear complex, however, clarity in priorities of life, belief in self and keeping the "Leader Within" ignited and nurtured would lighten the path.

It is your life and you should be in control, as your designs.

Lead and live with Your Uniqueness, with your own Brand, with your LeaderWithin.

Invest in yourself to harness potential, uniqueness and creativity.

Design your Destiny, Value based and Inspiration based.


Brigadier Jayant Tiwari(JK),Shaurya Chakra, Leader II Coach(ICF) II TEDx Speaker的更多文章

