Is There a Life Without Tax Returns?
Digital Tax Technologies
Trusted Global Tax Gap Advisor & Digital Solution Provider for Tax Administrations
By?Anatoly Gaverdovsky, Chairperson?and Founder,?Digital Tax Technologies
Traditional Tax Declaration Principles
The tax return is the sacred element of tax administration in almost every country in the world. If there are taxpayers, then there is the obligation to pay the taxes and file tax returns.
The standard tax administration process using a tax return includes the following elements.
Disadvantages of the Tax Return
Administration of the tax return life cycle requires significant financial, timely, and labor resources from tax authorities and taxpayers.
With a traditional approach, the tax authorities stay in a systemic deadlock, and they need to seek a way out. Solution is to shift to digital tax administration with access to taxpayers’ digital primary data and documents. It enables effective workflows within the tax authorities and gets the tax base information without the involvement of the taxpayer. On that basis, the tax authorities can calculate the tax liabilities without using the tax returns to reduce the administration burden for the entire economy.
Benefits of No-Filing or Return-Free Tax Regimes
Rejection of a tax return saves the taxpayer from the need to maintain tax records and fill out a tax forms. Tax authorities can spare the costs of conducting desk audits. This will reduce the workloads by up to 50% and increase the efficiency of the tax administration without adding personnel.
Q. What is return-free filing and how would it work?
A. If an income tax system were simple enough, the government could withhold taxes owed and do its own accounting at the end of the year without much help from taxpayers.
What is return-free filing and how would it work??Urban Institute, Brookings Institution
Many tax administrations in the world are consistently following the path of eliminating the tax returns. The reform may begin with the digital tax administration of individual property and motor vehicles. Information for calculating the amount of taxes to be paid comes from the state registers. The legislation must make it mandatory for asset owners to register objects of taxation in relevant state systems. This information helps to calculate the tax base without additional communication with taxpayers.
Another example of implementing a non-filing tax control system is the digital administration of the professional income tax (PIT) with the?special?tax regime for self-employed. The taxpayer registers income in a mobile application or data gathered automatically through integration with electronic platforms and banks. The tax administration automatically calculates the amount of tax to pay and notifies the taxpayer. He can pay the tax on time by using a linked credit card.
The next step could be the implementation of a non-filing tax administration for taxpayers with an annual turnover of up to a certain level and staff of up to 5-10 people. In this experiments data comes from the banks that are integrated with the tax information system and from the online cash registers.
The expansion of digital tax administration to other, more sophisticated taxes, such as value added tax or income tax, requires the revision of the tax code. The current regulation usually is a strong interlacing of tax benefits, exemptions, risks and other factors as the legacy of previous decades. Revising current tax regimes is a futile task, as changes are likely to provoke resistance from both taxpayers and tax authorities. The most rational way is to introduce new tax regimes step by step with the progressive transfer of taxpayers and the consecutive elimination of antiquated approaches.
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