Life is what you create or make!
Kishore Ramkrishna Shintre
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It is your life after all and it is what you make it and create for yourself and not what expectations of others about you. Continuing with the same theory the following beliefs that you have got just one career in your lifetime that once you have a family and their needs are more important and you can’t do anything about it, and when you need to live it up, even if it means climbing the wrong ladder for the rest of your professional life because they merely like to enjoy on your hefty pay check each month that you absolutely need to go to college that you absolutely need to graduate from premier institutes, because your father graduated from a good university that you need to make your parents proud and do what they tell you, or what you think they would like to see happen in your life), because they were so good to you and you feel that you can’t let them down, and, as a result, they think they can plan your life for you,
Assumptions that you absolutely need to own a car and buy a new upgraded version every three years that you absolutely need to have the same lifestyle your parents have, that you will retire at the predetermined age and that’s what we all eventually do - we all will retire; so it’s even unthinkable that you could not plan to retire happily right? and that you stick to what is tried and true, maintain the status quo and avoid risk that is because that’s what your parents told you - because that’s what they care about after all.
Of course that you sacrifice your life goals, your dreams, for your children and because that’s what parents need to do that you and not your children are responsible for securing their best future and which is so wrong, by the way!, that you can’t succeed/ achieve your dream because you weren’t born in a developed country or that you can’t succeed/ achieve your dream because your parents didn’t give you what you need, and don’t support you, so on and on. Yes, life likes to surprise us from time to time. It really does. But most of it, boy it is exactly what we make it and of course most importantly, what we first make it in our heads.
In fact when you realise that you are fully in charge of your own viewpoints, moods and goals. When you are not feeling great, for example, fake it to yourself. Force yourself to smile and you will quickly see a lift of your mood – careful though, it works in reverse too. But it works simply because you really are your boss. It is you who makes your day what it is good, bad, ugly.
You might like to test this tomorrow morning. Say once to yourself, with confidence, and decide it: “this is a fantastic day!”. I guarantee by the end of the day you will have noticed it was at least a better one than usual. You don’t have to accept the life that seems to be laid out before you. Be brave and push forward by your own captaincy. If you succeed, laugh out loud, and if you err, laugh anyway. Your only real crime is to not live. Happiness is not measured in money and milestones, but by all your reasons to smile. The irony here is that it is the one not looking for the gold who usually finds it.
You ultimately are the person who decides what happens in your life. You can bow down to others and accept what they want from you or you can lead your life the way you want to lead it. You are the only person responsible for how hard you work, yes parents and friends etc can motivate you, but you are ultimately the person who decides whether you do the work.
You are the person who decides whether you want to go sweeping the streets or if you want to achieve your goal/dream of being an athlete, astronaut, join the army etc. You are the only person responsible for how you treat others and can influence how they treat you by how you treat them. You are the sole person responsible for your actions.
It is you who is the most important part of life is what you make it. “You” is the special part. It is what makes all of us unique and it is why the human race has advanced, because a few people decided they wanted to strive for change and make a difference and live their life their way. It is what we make it. If we work hard, follow our passion, enjoy every moment of our life, we will have a happy life.
But if we don’t do anything and sit idle thinking that something will happen itself or if we keep waiting for something good to happen, then we will not be happy because to live the life you wish, you have to work for it. You are the only person responsible for how hard you work, yes parents and friends etc can motivate you, but you are ultimately the person who decides whether you do the work.
Finally, a bad attitude can keep you from what opportunity you may have,what options are open to you for changing your life. It also depends on luck, I guess because I have seen people working hard but not getting results. So, your motive should be trying again and again and work hard ! Stay blessed!! #kishoreshintre
BFSI "Trainer cum Content Expert" and "Train the Trainer" Maestro / Author of "One Life-World Needs Healing"
4 年Try and try until you succeed...Exactly life is what you create..Kishore Shintre
For our esteemed clients in IT sector, we are currently hiring extra ordinary talent: Java Spring Boot Microservices Developer, Pega CDH Decisioning Architect, Adobe Campaign Manager for Bangaluru /Chennai locations
4 年Thank you Anil for your kind response
Author, Historian, Thinker, Ideologue and Writer
4 年Your life is never your creation It has the imprint of your destiny
Venture working towards generating livelihood for women through its E-commerce platform
4 年Useful post!