Life Upended
This is a hard time for everyone. How we can manage our emotions well. We own a lot of mixed feelings. Humans across the world are sharing the same experience with you. We are all in this together and we may all emerge with a renewed appreciation for our interconnectedness.
Finding new ways to socialize has been essential and we missed each other very, very much. I missed my family and this was terrible feeling when you are so far away and can’t see them every day.
It was very funny when I started to read books which I have never read before, such as “Find yourself”, “Happiness during COVID pandemic”, “How to Find Relationships That Are Good for You and Avoid Those That Aren't."
“Be yourself “ is mostly useless advice, especially, during pandemic. If you do not know who you are or what your “self” is. Otherwise how you can determine whether your self-esteem is strong or how to become self-confidence. You have to be self-aware. I lost it during lockdown.
Watching or scrolling through the media makes me even more anxious. When I was working inside media I did not feel that. From outside this is very tangible but essential. I felt the power of media day by day and I was proud.
The rapidly-developing COVID crisis is dominating in our life. Most of my friends are spending more time with family. Coronavirus outbreak has affected our daily lives and changed how we work, play and learn. Working from home, playing from home, learning from home.
COVID-19 has been undoubtedly stressful for everyone. Daily routines have been changed, plans have been cancelled at the last minute, people had to change jobs suddenly, many jobs have to be worked from home now. It’s never too late to learn a new habit. I have been cooking at home more interesting meals.
But in the midst of this chaos, the first rule is, be extra kind to yourself and use online shopping
I thought about everything here, especially during lockdown I was thinking about my father who was genius person for me. I was crying, I was feeling depressed for a few days, then I started recording video blogs to calm my mother down, I'm fine mom, do not worry.
I want to say huge thanks to my friends who were writing me and asking how I am, do I or my family need anything. Also, many thanks to Natia Panjikidze, my friend and well known psychologist in Tbilisi. One day communication with her opened my eyes and put me on my feet. It was the beginning of pandemic, 27th of February, 2020.
What did the pandemic teach me? First and important thing, life is more flexible than we think. Have empathy for others and be grateful for the little things in life.
Reset My Priorities - highly important, lesson for myself, and that is where my priorities lie. I can truly say that the lockdown has provided me with clarity that I may not have received otherwise.
I am better able to plan ahead for myself and my future career options! People grow and study above 50 years…
New York
November, 2020