Life, the Universe, and Everything
Yes, that's a book from one of my favorite authors, renowned British author - Douglas Adams.
What's the point? Hmmmm - I haven't published anything for a while, and it's 12:13 PM Eastern Daylight Time (bewitching hour, as it were) - thus, where indeed shall we go with this.
Shall we do some stream of consciousness thinking? Why the hell not! Let's embark (or not, your choice) on a fun foray!
It's a mystery, LIFE, isn't it? No . . . it really isn't. It has a beginning, middle, end, and moreso a purpose. It is independent of earnings, status, children, money, and all of that "other stuff" that we pretend to value so much.
What then is the purpose? Hmmmm - a good question, no?
The purpose, my friends is one thing and one thing only . . .
What will you learn and how will you advance in this lifetime here on Earth? (By the way, did you realize that EARTH is the only one of the 9 (oh wait, 8) planets that revolve around sol which is not named after a Greek or a Roman god?)
So, what have you learned so far in this lifetime? You've got 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, of heaven forbid 100+! years to learn your lessons in this lifetime. If you feel that your golf handicap or your corporate, million-dollar salary are more important than this, then you are mistaken. However, feel free to disregard these words.
How did I arrive at these conclusions? Interesting question! Let me diverge for just a moment to explain: I am a bi-polar. I think differently than do you. I am sometimes in "left-field," and do not mistake that for insanity. They are not one and the same. Bi-polar describes one who is at times on Earth (the etheral) and at other times in the Heavens (the ethernal). It describes the state of dreams - yet in waking. At times, I see things which you miss - which you disregard.
How did I arrive at some of my insights, you ask? You've heard the response previously: I stood on the shoulders of Giants. In my case, I chose to stand on the stout shoulders of Albert Einstein himself - the German Jewish patent clerk who turned the world on its head.
Ok, how did Einstein so influence me as to make so bold a statement? He gave me pause (many times) during my education (a lifetime) to consider things differently than they appeared at first. You can have your CNN, Fox News, Bloomberg, MSNBC, CBNC, BBC, etc. For a moment, do think for yourself.
Albert gave us two great theories (later proved to be factual):
- The General Theory of Relativity (derived 2nd), and
- The Special Theory of Relativity (derived in 1931, first, check my facts), which states simply that E = m*c**2,
Energy is mass * the speed of light, squared
thus Energy is mass * constant (a multiplication factor, only, albeit a large number)
Using the associative principle of mathematics (yes?), this means that:
mass = Energy / constant or mass basically is Energy.
Thus, YOU are Energy, and we ALL live in an Energy Field! All is Energy!
For more information, read my upcoming book, Einstein's Philosopher - on bookshelves, soon!
Thanks and kind regards,
Mark D. Crable
CEO, Crable Engineering LLC
(715) 697-6231 (m)