Life In Uncertainty And What It Taught Me
Jordanna Eyre
Chief Sorceress | Jedi for Jedis ?? | I help wise business leaders release the weight of all they're holding | Understand & embody the energy systems of Creation so you can scale your vision with joy & freedom ??
One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned from three+ years of full-time travel is that I can’t know anything until I’m actually there. Planning too far ahead is futile and only leads to a lot of unused plane tickets and cancelled reservations.
I arrived in Morocco on guidance from that greater something. “Go to Morocco,” repeated enough times that I finally listened.
I wasn’t clear why I was supposed to spend time in this country, but I was looking forward to the adventure I had planned — a road trip with a new friend, two weeks taking a kite-surfing course, and a month or two at a co-working space by the beach, focusing on my business and reveling in the beauty of the Moroccan coast.
The moment I landed, I felt a sense of uncertainty I hadn’t felt so strongly ever before. It’s nearly impossible to live your life and run your business from a place that’s aligned with Source and not feel safe in the uncertainty of life — but this was different. It was as if nothing would be allowed to be known; as if any detail of life I may have felt the need to have in place (for very good reasons sometimes) would be pulled out from under me.
As I embarked on the road trip with my friend and two other women we’d just met, the subtle feeling of uncertainty creeping in became the primary energy I was living in.
For a weekend, I embraced the uncertainty. But when Monday approached, it grew.
Was it simply because I needed to get back to wifi for my business and was getting mixed signals as to when we’d make it back? As I continued to surrender into the uncertainty and release the clinging of wanting to know, it became clear that this would be a theme for my time in Morocco.
I found this curious, as I had already learned to find trust in the unknown, to feel safe in not knowing, to enjoy the ride rather than expect anything past the present moment. But, as uncertainty goes, we can’t always know that there’s more to learn or grow until the moment for learning and growing arises.
As the feeling was sinking in, I received a message from someone asking me to come up to Casablanca for a business opportunity. There was nothing firm about this offer — everything about it projected uncertainty and a nebulous state of floaty-ness that I would normally say no to. My ability to serve is protected by my boundaries… and yet, the pull to go was strong.
When I dropped in and asked Source, the guidance was overwhelming — a tremendous sense of power that rose up from within me and screamed “go.”
The uncertainty increased as I found myself cancelling all of my upcoming plans and simply saying yes to going to Casablanca that evening, not knowing what was ahead of me.
The months that progressed became my bootcamp in uncertainty.
With each bit of work I did in Casablanca, I was clear I needed to be there, clear that I had been sent there because the community there was ready and waiting for my work. And yet, nothing else remained certain.
Opportunities would arise and remain in a nebulous state, often not landing in anything tangible until the very last minute. The rest of my life and the busy nature of my business was thrown up in the dust of the uncertainty.
The mama bear in me that always needed to know that the people I serve were well taken care of, received a lesson in surrender — having to trust so deeply in the guidance from something bigger than me, and allowing everything else to fall into place without any control over how.
And here are a few unexpected lessons I learned in the 3.5 months of pure uncertainty in my experience there:
1. No one else’s control issues can ever thwart your plans.
When we’re relating to others in this world of interwoven relationships and individual needs, it can be hard to strike a balance between surrendering to the needs of others and making sure your own needs are met.
Sometimes, as much as we communicate our needs and as clear as we are, there can appear to be a gap between what we are clear on needing and what someone else needs in the moment.
When this creates uncertainty in our world, there is always a greater plan. We must speak our needs to whatever we believe in, and honor our own power as creators.
When uncertainty takes over, we are being invited into a surrender that goes beyond our own power.
In this surrender to uncertainty, there is a sweetness of our needs being able to fall into alignment without efforting –– but with a peace in our circumstances magically unfolding.
2. The business world is not as masculine as we often think it is.
Much of the uncertainty I found in doing business in Morocco was based in a feminine energy that, at first, confused the heck out of me.
There was a shortness in communication that felt masculine. Yet it came with an inability to pin things down, and a floaty nature from the highest levels of business people and their ventures. There is a fine line as an entrepreneur between ceasing opportunities and making the most of them, and setting boundaries that are clean, clear and allow us to be our best in business.
The feminine nature of the business world in Morocco rocked me to the core, but it forced me to set boundaries while also retaining a flexibility that would best serve.
Finding balance between flexibility and clean boundaries is a journey for all of us individually. But it’s one that, when danced both intuitively and in conjunction with our own truest expression, opens us up to more of what’s available in this world.
3. Boundaries are not, and will never be, an end-all-be-all static thing.
Many years ago, I learned that setting clear boundaries with people didn’t need to feel like a wall of strength. Instead, a soft cushiony place held for what is true to us also holds a soft cushiony place for others to land.
A gentle strength in our boundaries supports others in honoring our own needs and requests, while allowing them to feel met, welcomed, and understood in the process.
The nebulous nature of business in Morocco threw my boundary setting for a loop. I found myself feeling no choice but to say yes to things that would normally fall outside of my boundaries. Sometimes this worked magically, other times I wound up feeling pushed, used, and under-acknowledged because I was skipping over my truth.
Eventually I learned that there was a way to honor the truth behind my boundaries while also honoring the truth of the situation that sometimes warrants a different perspective, action, or agreement.
I learned how to honor myself more deeply, while honoring the other person’s needs with full acceptance of both angles. I learned how to find my place in the infinite loop that’s available when we surrender into the flow of the uncertainty of life, while still remaining true to our ability to powerfully create our realities, and coming back around to full surrender.
Now it’s your turn. When you consider the uncertainty of life, what comes up for you? I would love to hear in the comments below!
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Soul Alignment Specialist
5 年Love this Jordanna! It sounds like my time in Texas + Mexico the last 7 months! ??