Life is a System of Systems
Norma Hollis, PhD
Trusted Authority on Authenticity-Based Leadership, Self-Awareness, and Organizational Development; Transformational Strategist for Individuals and Organizations; International Speaker/Trainer
From the time you were born, you were introduced to the systems of the life.
The hospitals and midwives have systems for delivering babies.
There are systems that involve the food you eat, the clothes you wear, how you were educated and so many other aspects of how you live your life. You learned early to follow the systems as if you are on auto-pilot.
When you become an adult, you gained the option of which system(s) you would adhere to or if you would make up our own.
A balanced life is one that includes the necessary systems of society, integrated with your own personal system(s).
What system are you following? Are you continuing the lifestyle and values you have been given from society or are you creating your own?
Consider that there is a process that will help you connect with your authenticity so you can create your personal system to live an awesome, authentic life!
It’s about understanding and managing the energy that lives within you.
I’ve recently become very clear that the work I have been doing with authenticity is to help you understand your personal energy system. I’m so excited about this understanding.
Think about the systems that you follow without even thinking about it. You might be amazed.
Don’t lose your authenticity among all the systems in your life. Authenticity is a treasure. Don’t lose it!