Life Shadow
Hamza Ghandour, Malaga, Spain

Life Shadow

Life is changing. Life is improving. Day after day competition level is increasing. Mass production, mass Competition or mass consumption. In all cases it is a selfish change. A change that always needs more to be satisfied. Always needing more and more to try to find happiness, try to find self-esteem while looking for artificial satisfaction.

If we take time to look at this picture we will find out that for the benefit of all support and teamwork are needed. Like in that picture shadow is better because those trees are together. Shadow for the benefit of all, and more trees are together more shadow will be welcoming bigger number of humans looking for a caring restfull time. Nature is always an encyclopedia always ready to teach us, for that we just need to be ready to learn and discover.

Like those trees and shadow satisfaction will always be higher when its source is global, and not individual. Individual, personal satisfaction will with short time disappear because it is not shared. Common satisfaction last longer and even ever because at a time you are loosing it another person smile/ satisfaction will remind you of the benefit of what has been done.

In life and as human we are social, community based creatures, more we work on it and preserve it and higher will always be our level of satisfaction, well being and happiness. In a world, that is becoming harder, human support and care is much needed. A simple word can change a day for many. A simple smile can create positivity. If a word or a smile can have that big effect so what if we do start on working together, supporting and really caring for each others? What if our main objective is to improve our community and not just to improve ourselves?

Life is so beautiful, life is harmony, and to reach that harmony it needs to be shared! So are we ready to share it?

