Life is a series of problems sprinkled with crisis and joy
Brian Tracy said, "Life is a problem, problem, problem, crisis. Which means you are either in a crisis now, you just got out of one, or you're headed for one."
As much as the optimist in me objects, this does seem to be the case. However, another part of the equation is missing: JOY.
Problem, problem, problem, crisis, joy, problem, problem, problem...
It doesn't always go in that order, but that's what we face each day. Some of these problems are completely out of our control.
Like bad weather, a car breaking down, an unexpected medical bill, or a customer calling to cancel an appointment because her cat thought she was crazy for booking it in the first place. (Yes, I had that happen once.)
Some problems occur because of how we think or behave.
We can resolve most of these problems by taking accountability and upgrading our attitude toward the situation.
It's the problems that we do not realize we are causing that are the toughest to resolve. When having a conversation with someone who calls me for help, we often are able to find a solution to their most frustrating issues lightning-fast because I can see their blind spots and provide them with effective solutions.
Without that telephone call, most go in endless circles because blind spots are near impossible to spot on our own without outside assitance.
3 Tips For Approaching Problems:
Yesterday, I saw a guy trying to walk his cat on a leash in the park. Of course, the cat wanted no part of it and bounced around like it was on a hot plate!
I thought that was the strangest thing I'd seen until today. There was a lady trying to walk two ducks on leashes. They were flapping their wings and jumping around, and I could only think, "Only in Hollyweird."
Enjoy your day...
:) Tim Shurr