Life of  sale man- misery /proud feeling  - winning  customer  is winning  sub conscious mind - vs conscious mind - experience of Hanumant shukla

Life of sale man- misery /proud feeling - winning customer is winning sub conscious mind - vs conscious mind - experience of Hanumant shukla


Few  formula

1.sales  happen  when we  build   rapport on feeling at sub conscious level of our mind with customers .

2.Rapport is  created  by feeling  of commonality between two people - when customer is totally  responding  to sales pitch/conversation .- sales is done

3.only 7% our communication skill   happen through words  - 93% is  non verbal-  our training on people  is 100% on words- hence big gap  tgt/achievement 

4.Sales  happen -  when  Matching /mirroring with customer  feeling /thought/empathy apart from product- sales man has to  sell himself before he sell product.he  need to believe in product then  customer will trust the product.

5.we have conscious  and subconscious  mind  -  our  subconscious  mind  is more  powerful-  sales  happen through subconscious mind - we focus on conscious mind -  hence rejection come on our way.

6.People like to those people like  them self, or how  they like to be-  hence build connection with customer to feel like them.  is more  important  then substant initially 

How many times  sales  guys  do  not sleep  before  meeting  /review and  post  meeting   they  are disturbed mentally ,hence consequences/impact is  felt by   whole  family   and happiness get impacted in long n  short term basis.Thier  confidence get broken down permanently.  They  find  sales is  not  right  for them. They start  believing themself  to be good  sales man with right means and  start exploring    to be cheater/manipulator to be ahead to get appreciation from boss.

Job of  many  Managers  is  to humiliate his  subordinate based  on excel  sheet which is normally  prepared  by MIS  guys ( they derived /shared his  scolding with family too). Most of  managers  prime motive to visit  market to find  fault with his  peoples  and after 1-2 hour  working in mkt   - they  make  perception of  front line and  his  senior . This  good or bad    perception based  on short visit   remain  till  manager is his  boss/he worked  with  company-  frustration leads to  sales man urge to work on  manipulation , which  end  up  not  focusing on basic  but  maintaining dashboard  on which   he  get appreciated /scolded  over  his  life period . He  never  get  chance  to learn  a art of  selling and enjoy  the life .  Each  manager   want  beat  another guy  by what ever  means available to get  promotion  by damaging  confidence of  new sales guy by manipulation .

All of  us have gone  through over  the  years as  we travel  a journey  of  sales man,  where mkt  perceive  us  manipulator /lier/cheater and each  guy in organisation blame  us  for company's failure  but no  one give  credit for our   success - we  owe  credit to organisation if tgt  is achieved.  We  worked  12 hours  under  intense  pressure  of heat/rain/cold   45 degree temp or 0 degree or strong  rain - we do not have  any  leave  even on sunday . our wife  start  saying to kid -  they  should  never marry sales  guys-  wife  start feeling   jealous  when same  company  guys in another department   who get  same  salary -  their husband  comes at  6 clock - they go for walk and enjoy the weekend  too. we  become  shameless to kid /wife and  spoil  our  relationship  permanently with  relative  by  doing what we should not do-working . Only  guys who get sacked  in organisation are sales  guys . This is  frustration but  we have  brighter side too.

let me  tell  other side - if organisation  does   not take  care  sales guy  -  they  will  suffer  permanently or  will  be dead - because product  is strategy  but  sales  is execution .  All the  best  company  CEO - be  facebook or   apple  had been best  sales man.  Our  PM is  best sales  man  for our country hence  be proud of  sales man- learning right way to sell  rather  learn wrong means

i have adopted  different  approach then rest of my  colleague  - as i understood  that   sales is  science and art  (  psychology   is  85% weightage  )  and mechanics is 15%. If  you know  how to sell - u will enjoy most.

i consider  each  guy who join in  our sales force  - is son and daughter of  some  lovely parents , who  have  handed  over to me  to take  care ,  I   trust  them and  i love  them  by  taking care  their  needs /developing their skill  which  ensure  they  are happy and successful . I love  them as much as their parents n much more . I keep on thinking how  to develop them.

sales  happen  when  we  influence customer  with  their  deeper  subconscious  mind  by  mirror and matching with intent listening  /focusing  clue  and making  customer life  long  friend whether deal is done or  broken.  we  intent  to build  relationship  with  customer  based on  our shared  belief  and trust.  we  work with  on customer  to solve their   issues at  market  by our product  by being  with  them n  understanding them.

sales  team do not listen  what we say  but follow  what we do with them .  how we  respect  them and care  them /love them - they will observe and  replicate with others . they  are  also  friend/  son/daughter  /husband of  some great  people  who pray them  for their  success hence they have joined  sales  field for success - there is no doubt in my  mind.

most  of  people  follow daily /hourly   -   kpi/dashboard  -   this   model  is  mostly present across the organisation  - i work only on  why and how  apart from dashboard . this  model  take  long time and success takes  permanent route  -  but  team is  always  in positive mood - hence family/kid are happy hence  each  success  build  team confidence /happiness. I ensure  family is  never disturbed with bad word/humiliation.

i had  to  travel  50 km from lucknow  by staying  till mid of night for  winning one mkt /teach  one  front line guy a lesson.  which  was  not  done over  2 years  even  though team  had  tried  to  get  KPI achieved .. He was  humiliated  every meeting in front of rest  of  people - we  broke his confidence but  we never got  success. This  was to show and train them  how to do it . I could have given many gyn but getting  him success was  utmost in my mind .

i trained  the guy /hugged  him after  reaching  destination - trained  art of  selling - how  to engage people  at subconscious  level  by  winning  customer hearts  - hence eventually winning customer . after  initial  hesitation- he started  winning - his  confidence  was higher .

sales  guy  achieved   his  success in three hours  by  his  new  sales  connect  technique and confidence in his  eyes was  worth  million  dollar  for me. 

i  believe  our-  failure to achieve  some milestone is not  due to  resources but    our  resourcefulness -

as  we grow  adult - our  parents/teacher  /society  put limitation on us -  bring  down  our  confidence level- that is  stored in us at subconscious  mind.

We  can  do every thing if  we  get trained -  believe in our self .










Devendra Agrawal

Cluster Head & Regional sales manager - Eastern India, Tata Consumer Product Ltd - RTD value business

8 年

Dear Sir, I saw so involved with every word you had written that i read every sentences twices. i could relate this with my bosses and found myself very fortunate. Thanks for the wonderful thoughts. This was shared by our Category head Mr. Subodh Shrivastava (Tata Chemicals Ltd.)

Vinod .S. Ranghar

GM Sales and Operations @ PepsiCo -VARUN BEVERAGES LIMITED | Ex - @ Sr.Manager -Ahmdabad

8 年

In my view connect to this , a salesmen is the piller for any of the organization. He is the first face of the company. FOR any of the customer he is the company who gives/ provide or gives right kind of information to the customer for any of the product he works for. When he works in the market from morning till evening he is tired, and disucuss the issues to his reporting Manager, if the order are good......Manager is happy ....if order are not up to the level he want, then Manager is scolding to him by are good for nothing. A good Manager is who can understand the feelings of his subordinate by putting his foot in his leg. The best way to coach and guide him by going market with him. And any of the front line salesmen/ Manager had to be postive attiude to learn more and more in the market is the key to success.

Sarvesh Shukla

#ITSupport #Techsupport #Counselling #Consultancy #Recruitment #Sourcing

8 年

``- sales man has to sell himself before he sell product.he need to believe in product then customer will trust the product.`` Great sir.....dont have words for appreciation...

Deepak Chaudhary

e-commerce and b2b business head at Confidential

8 年

i inspired from your activity at this level...and also give me an idea to promote our new brand. thanks

Hanumant Lal Shukla

Transforming logistics through Mamastops

8 年

thank u very much amit AMIT KUMAR



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