If life is running you, if you see glimpses of living a life of something more than you need to read this..
Mark Bowness
Influencer Marketing Expert | Founder of The Thank You Agency - We help purpose driven brands capture hearts, minds and customers with our unique caused based campaigns.
The lies you tell yourself stop you from living your greatest life.
It's easy to look at the success of others and attribute it to their wealth or their education....
... or any other thing that we believe that we don't have.
This is a lie that we tell ourselves to keep us paralysed from taking action and to stop us from waking up from our own slumber to live our greatest life.
When we feel as thought we have hit rock bottom, that we aren't good enough or that life is running us rather than us running it we enter survival mode.
When in survive model we believe that we have to work hard just to make ends meet, to keep our mind sane and as a result we live the best life that we can.
I love my life, I really do. Want to know how I achieve this? I ALLOWED myself to hit rock bottom, I wasn't scared to go there.
I knew that in breaking down everything could be rebuilt. Old belief systems, old patterns of behaviour, every foundation shaken.
The result was that I didn't strive, I didn't push myself to work harder to convince others and myself that I was okay...
... I just allowed myself to collapse, in every possible way.
And as I did I gave myself breathing space to look at the world in a new way... to explore ideas, to see future visions that has never been seen and to craft a game changing idea in the pursuit of it becoming a reality.
The result was the creation of a business that became a TV show in three countries, that gained a six figure book deal and multiple paid speaking opportunists. It changed my life.
At the time I had no money, I had no job. I had low self esteem but I had a glimpse of my potential.
If you know that you were created for something more but everything seems to be holding you back don't strive to work harder, give yourself space.
Take time out to discover who you really are as opposed to who you have accepted yourself to be...
... when you do, that's when the magic happens, not simply for you but for the world in which we all live.