A Life of Routine
I'm all sorts of exhausted right now. More than normal!
It doesn't even make sense given all the extra sleep I've had over the past few days. But here we are. I'm struggling to keep my eyes open long enough to get this drafted.
But regardless, I'm showing up and putting in the work because I know how critical consistency is. Every time I take a long weekend, I find that I can't wait to get back into my normal daily routine. It's the glue that holds my productivity together!
And it's not just the activities or tasks I'm doing in my daily routine that help me get back on track, it's the fact that I have the routine in the first place. Having a system that makes it easy to fall back into the daily habits that make me successful is key.
That way I don't have to think much about it when I'm tired after a long day, I just show up, tick the boxes, and I'm back at it before I know it!
The fact that I have the daily routine alone is what transforms me into the successful version of myself I need to become at the start of every new week. So regardless of how tired I am, or whatever it is I've got on my mind, attempting to distract me, I have set programming of activities that will quickly take me back to my peak productivity.
Journaling, meditating, and writing this post tonight will get that process started. But when I start my day tomorrow with my full morning routine, I'm guaranteed to start my day with success!
I don't even have to try. I just show up and put in the reps, the rest happens organically. My daily routine is designed to keep me focused and motivated for peak performance throughout the day and week. It's designed to work even when I don't want to because the mere process of going through it is what gives me the drive to keep going.
In fact, whenever I'm feeling down or sad or for whatever reason not myself, I know the solution can ALWAYS be found in my daily routine. Getting back to basics always helps reset me and get me back to the place I want to be - focused and motivated.
I started it tonight and I'm already feeling better. A good night's sleep will help. But by the time I get through the morning, I'm unstoppable!
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I am manifesting $1M working for myself this year. Follow the Manifest a Million Challenge every Sunday through Thursday night - a look at my progress, plans, and thoughts throughout it all.
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