Life in the Resurrection
Life in the Resurrection
LUKE 20:27–40
Luke 20:35 (NASB)
35 “But those who are considered worthy to attain to that age and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry nor are given in marriage.â€
The Sadducees had a long-standing feud with the Pharisees over a number of different issues, among them the resurrection. The Sadducees did not believe in a resurrection from the dead. As Jesus was teaching in the temple, they asked Him one of the questions that they liked to throw at the Pharisees: If a woman was married more than once in this life, whose husband will she be in the next?
Jesus replied that they did not understand the nature of the resurrection and that in the resurrection, people do not marry but are like the angels. This statement from our Lord has caused many Christians undue concern, so we will examine it in more depth.
Jesus’ reply comes as a profound disappointment to many people, particularly those who have lost a wife or husband and are looking forward to a joyous reunion in heaven. It seems as if Jesus is dashing such hopes, but this is not the case.
Jesus is saying that life in heaven is significantly different from life in this world. Whatever the differences are, we can be sure that they will be improvements. Part of why marriage means so much to us in this world is that it provides us a companion who is close and intimate. We can assume that in heaven we will have that kind of close companionship with everyone, because sin will have been removed from interpersonal relationships. We will have a deeper love relationship with our earthly spouses in heaven, but we will also have a deep love relationship with others as well.
Jesus also says that we will be like angels. Notice that Jesus does not say we become angels, but that we become like angels. He does not say in what way we become like angels except that we shall not be subject to death. There is an element of mystery here, and we need to respect it.
CORAM DEO (Before the face of God)
Based on today’s text and the references below, meditate on the reality of heaven and what it will be like to be with the family of God. How can such reflection improve your present outlook and daily Christian living?
Jeremiah 31–32
Titus 2
Isaiah 65:17–25
Revelation 21