Life is Real

Life is Real

Ideas,Notions and Considerations

July 02, 2009 by scottmartinlocke
I could say this isn't really happening to me; but it is, and it's real. In creative thinking, as a supplement to knowledge, grasping the imaginative idea which belongs to the sphere of pictorial thought brings the subjective thought to an objective point of view; where abstract notions of the mind take on a new reality. Life is so powerful that its reality plays with our mind. The constant drama unfolds in each moment. The cherishing that we do has reason. The experience life gives us has meaning. What we learn has its consequences. The morning sunrise over the tree-tops greats me on the way to the job. What a sight. Oh' how fortunate I am to drive east in the morning. Just to see it is a miracle. Reality sets in. Life is real. The sun is so far from us at an incredible distance, and still it radiates not only its light but illuminates our mind with its wonder and power. The full ball of yellow/orange gives us inspiration to make it through the day. Each day; something different happens and still it's all the same. The summer heat cooks our mind. The winter's cold freezes us. We soon forget and get on with our day. Oh' how thankful some of us are to go to work, but that's just part of life. Our sympathy is real and along with it our compassion goes out to those less fortunate. Life is real. We are forced to believe what is happening to us. it cannot be a dream, or denied, because when we go home driving into the western sun we know there are bills in the mailbox; but sanctuary awaits for our arrival, and the boss cut our hours short again for his own greed. Business is the way we get things done, all for profit and expenses for survival and sometimes for some special things. Don’t those in power realize they are gods with a little “g" knowing all the while they are fooling with peoples lives? It ought not to be this way, but it is and that's life and it's real. We work for almost nothing and endure and survive. Reality sets in when we get home and have sandwiches and rice. May be on a good day we have noodles and burger. Don’t those in government remember what it is like to be a little person>? But sometimes we make ourselves so big, and it's not all for show; that's not reality, reality is life and it's real no matter what comes our way or what we bring to life. Our imagination takes over and we lose track of reality; but we always come back to the facts. Reality knows how small you really are. Reality knows just how lucky we are to be in America where even the poor are rich. While the rest of the world starves, not only for food and knowledge, but for life. We soon forget reality is different for everyone. We each live in our own little worlds and make what seems our reality real. The illusion comes when we wish. When we want, but not only the rich can want. Our desires are controlled by our income. Reality comes home with us and frightens us in our sleep. But we, the poor, the middle class have less to lose than those we want-to-be or we can be satisfied with less. That’s reality. Dylan Thomas once wrote: "when I was a boy I wanted o be a man and now a man I’m only half the man I wanted to be." oh' if I could only do more, but we do the best we can with what we got and that's life. What’s the name of that song>? Humpty-dumpty sat on a wall and took a great fall. No one could put him back together again. So we compose our self and collect our feelings and put me in a grocery bag and haul them out to the trash. We keep our memories of younger years, and better days, and the hopeful joy for our future. Life was different when we were young, but once past half way it all changes and reality makes the rules as life goes on. Retirement is only a sign of old age. If we can collect our check it's not enough and we still have to work. We live to work and work to live. Perhaps its been said there is more work when we die. Who knows>? Dying isn't easy. Like life; no one said it would be. And then there is chance and risk. We can't afford to lose anymore. Chance is 50-50 you may win. Risk is 51-49 you will lose. Reality makes its impression upon us. We wake in the middle of the night in fright. When morning comes we deal with the routine of getting back to the job. How much of our life is for work. Most of it. These words come from my heart. The joy is real. And the pain we feel is part of reality; but people say deal with it or get over it. Providence will have its ay no matter what and life is good. Happy endings are real. All we have left for us is hope. So we work and hope. We live and hope. We live and let live. And we die and it doesn’t matter what they do with us cause we're gone. So I wrote a couple books so people could read some of my thoughts when I’m gone. My end is near. But I do not fear. I’m just another philosopher but my viewpoint is what makes my own reality so pure, and true. I write of life it hurts caring, but it's real. We share and ask for nothing in return. We write and paint smiles, but they just cover the illusion. Reality is a powerful tool of nature; and life isn't a game. Life and reality are our schooling. We can only pass or fail. Every day is a test of will-power and inner strength. We can meet the challenge. We will rise to the occasion. And the sun set tonight in many splendid colors. I ripped my pants at work. Tonight I had to sew them. That’s reality. I put my music on. I wound the clock. I fed the dog. I put gasoline in the car. The bank was closed. I went home with a check; but it was just a piece of paper. I searched the house for a couple dollars. Reality is our quest of the mighty dollar. But when you have nothing to say good-by to it's all gone and reality forces you to make more. I need a printing press of my own, but we live by our wits and hands. Life is real. Reality it like a bonk on the head. We all have our wake-up-call. Maybe I’m glad I don't have a-lot. My lot is enough. I’m satisfied and content. I don't want to be one of those want-a -bee’s. I’m happy just the way I am. Strong, motivated, ambitious, diligent, and with an aptitude for learning I have scored my own wisdom and stored my own genius. I am already a legend. Never met anyone who didn't talk about me. They talk because they see something in me that am real. Like life; reality is real and can't be denied. You get more than you see. The inner me am greater than my shell. So I went to the sea and collected some shells. I went to the mountains and found some shells and wondered how they got there. Coincidence it was cause I left them there last time I was there, on a shady path climbing to the summit. And after the great trek upon reaching the top from a great ascent I looked out upon the world and saw reality. My own because that's as far as we can see. See; it's different for you and me. But it's all the same. That’s life. Life is real and we can make of it what we will. Tomorrow will always come; even without us. Tomorrow will be just another today. That’s life and it's real.


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