Life with Purpose Newsletter February 2025

Life with Purpose Newsletter February 2025

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Welcome to all my new and existing subscribers. Thank you for joining me.

There’s a well-known statistic in coaching circles – 82% of coaching businesses fail in the first two years. Wow! Gulp.

The first time I heard this stat was during my coach training course and it’s a stat that keeps cropping up. At the time, I do remember thinking ‘F***!’ and thinking I am NOT going to be part of that statistic. Ha!

Now, I’ve done a bit of due diligence here, or at least I’ve tried to, and can I find the original source for this statistic? No, I cannot. And neither can ChatGPT.

I did, however, find this….(bona fide fact! Look, there’s a proper reference for this one)......according to research conducted by Experian in 2023 ‘around 4% of new businesses have ceased trading by the end of the first year of operations…. But the failure rate rises significantly to more than a third (34%) by the end of the second and to half (50%) within just three years of opening.’

Although this stat is less alarming than the 82% failure rate, it’s still not sunshine and roses.

So, why am I harping on about business failing? Am I about to tell you that I have succumbed to the seemingly inevitable statistic and my Life with Purpose newsletter, podcast and website are all destined for the graveyard of coaching?

No. Hurrah!

What this is leading to is something that I’ve had a rather significant experience with this month – gratitude.

If you’re struggling to see how business failing stats and gratitude go hand in hand, I will explain but first….

The practice of practicing gratitude has been around for a loooooooong time and, although I can’t remember precisely when I was first exposed to the practice of gratitude, I suspect it was when I really wasn’t interested.

I was far too busy for any of that stuff.

Maybe you feel the same way - how can writing a list of what you’re grateful for make any difference? And maybe the cat/dog just knocked your cuppa over your keyboard, so you’re too pissed off to be grateful about anything right now.

The practice of gratitude, or the gratitude attitude, if you will, isn’t just some airy-fairy ethereal entity in loose fit yoga pants, it’s science! There’s lots of research on the positive benefits of gratitude, (here’s one example), and I like this summary from Kevin Wissman, Doctor of Pharmacy and migraine specialist:

Gratitude reshapes the brain by activating the prefrontal cortex, which controls positive emotions and decision-making. Over time, it [gratitude] strengthens the brain’s pathways for happiness and lowers activity in the amygdala, the area responsible for fear and stress, helping you feel calmer and more balanced.

So, being grateful and expressing gratitude rewires the brain and can make us happier, healthy and more resilient. Yes, please!

So, where was I? Oh yes! Business failure.

I am in the danger zone for new businesses. I love coaching and I have absolutely no intention of giving it up. However, this month has really highlighted a major source of gratitude for me.

I have another job.

Not only does this pay my bills and keep food in the fridge, but I also get to work with some brilliant and lovely people, all while I work at expanding my coaching empire :o)

It could be so easy to resent this work stream, as it takes up the time I could be dedicating to the coaching practice so that I don’t become the statistic, but being grateful is a far happier and calmer place to be.

So, what do you think? Could you benefit from increasing your gratitude attitude? Do you want to be more grateful and complain less? Not sure where to start?

If you want to start exploring what feeds your gratitude attitude, then start small.

Jot down the little things that you are grateful for, you can even keep a gratitude journal

  • An unexpected cup of tea,
  • A walk around the block in the sunshine,
  • A break in the rain while you walked to the bus and didn’t get your hair wet
  • A stranger’s laugh that made you smile

Identify three good things that have happened during the day before you go to sleep every night.

Write a thank you letter and, if you’re feeling brave, give it to the person you are thankful for.

Keep a gratitude jar. Use pieces of paper to record your gratitude, stick them in the jar and by the end of the week you can see how much gratitude you have accumulated, big or small.

Be thankful to yourself. Treating yourself with kindness is good for the soul and helps you develop the practice of gratitude.

This month I have mostly been....

…..working at my ‘other job’.

And, I’ve also been hanging out with Devon Women in Business. I attended the Friday Morning Co-Working session in a local Café – an opportunity to work, share ideas and learn from others, which is something I used to take for granted when I worked in an office with several hundred other people. Now, I am acutely aware of the lack of someone to bounce ideas off as I spend my working hours on my own. So it was great to share experiences and get some great tips from this pool of knowledgeable and talented ladies.

I also joined the DWIB event at Orchid Paradise, hosted by Sarah Rittershausen. It was inspiring to learn the history of this family owned business, starting as a hobby and humble beginnings in Surrey in the 1920's, to establishing their first business in 1949, and on to growing and selling award winning orchids (repeat winners at the Chelsea Flower Show, no less!)

Orchids are quite amazing plants! Way beyond the emergency gift purchase from the supermarket. Did you know….

  • There are 30,000 wild orchids and 120,000 cultivated/ hybrid orchids
  • Most orchids live on trees (epiphytes)
  • Cultivated orchids will take several years before they flower
  • If you have a sick orchid, it’s highly likely it is over or under watered
  • If you have an orchid that seems OK but hasn’t flowered for ages, move it to a new location - that can sometimes spring them into flowering action

After learning some basic orchid care, I immediately came home and moved my non-flowering orchid then pruned, fed and watered the other two, and now I’m waiting to see what happens!

Life with Purpose Podcast

In this month's podcast episode, I chat to Rebecca Gill, founder of RG Virtual, to explore her journey from the corporate world of recruitment to launching her own virtual assistant business.

Rebecca shares how her career took her from Ireland to Australia and Bali, the challenges she overcame, and the life-changing experiences that inspired her to embrace entrepreneurship and live the VA life!

Rebecca’s story is one of resilience, reflection, and finding gratitude even in tough times, offering valuable insights for anyone looking to take control of their career and embrace new opportunities.

The Book Club

Every month I share a book recommendation, loosely based on helping you to find life with purpose. I say loosely, because sometimes I'll chuck in something that is just a darn good read!

Got a book recommendation for The Book Club?

Click Contact below and let me know.

I can’t overlook the fact that with February comes Valentines Day, so I’ve picked Gary Chapman’s ‘The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts’.

I first read this book in 2014, and it was one of those books I wish I’d read years earlier. It explained soooo much and shone a light on relationships and situations I’d really been struggling with and couldn’t understand why.

Although the title of the book may have you thinking this is just for romantic relationships, the five love languages are a simple way to understand, respond and connect to others in all your relationships.

The book outlines five different ‘languages’ that we all use to communicate our love and to receive love from others. But guess what? We don’t all speak the same language! And that can be where the problems start.

By learning to recognise what your own preferences are (there’s a handy quiz to help you work out what your language is), and what your nearest and dearest’s preferences are (you can get them to complete the quiz too), you can learn to spot what’s causing conflict and begin to grow closer to those around you. Bliss!

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Want to get in touch? Drop me a message.

Mel Harrowsmith Coaching

United Kingdom



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