Life Purpose Journey with 4 step Goal setting frame work
V Senthil Kumar, Entrepreneur I Sales Expert I Growth Partner I Global Sourcing I VCEO I
Sales Expert II Global Breakthrough Advisor II Growth Partner II Global Sourcing II Serial Entrepreneur || Business Strategy || Virtual CEO || Turnaround Specialist II
We are right now, into the 2nd month of year 2023. The time moves so fast and never stops but keep on progressing every second. ?Due to this, you will find that the Galaxy system, the universe and the environment are progressing towards their destiny
The above progression prompts a big question in front of us is: “Are we progressing in our life like time?”?The answer is Yes and No, because we are growing by age every day – that is progress but in reality, are we really progressing then We are NOT PROGRESSING.
None of us want to lead a life with Yes and No answers, rather we want to lead a Progressive Life, as the answer Yes will always lead to mediocre life. The only reason for this state of mediocre life is fact that, today the biggest challenge for the people is to identify the right goal and then they are not taking right steps to achieve their Goal.
Now let us explore how to set the right goal that will drive you to take the right steps and the result will help you to achieve your True Purpose of Life.
A simple 4 Step Goal Setting Frame work will help you to identify your Top Goals. ?
Before you start this exercise, you need to find a place where you won’t have distractions or disturbances. Then brainstorm yourself with these 4 steps to arrive your goals.
Step 1.????List out what do you want to achieve, create, change, give in and experience in next 10 years. You should identify minimum 20 goals covering all the above points from your prospectives without putting any limitation.
Step 2.????Having arrived 20 gaols, it is time to categorise these with time lines. Mention against each goal, how much time you need to achieve it based your priorities. It can be 1,3,5 & 10 years. This will give you lot of clarity in your life.
Step 3.????Now you are moving into the crucial phase of identifying your top goals. Segregate the goals into 1/3/5/10 years. Out of these take out top 3 goals for each time line. First, we will focus on your top 3 goals for next 1year as this is very important for your life progress. These goals are the foundation for a successful future for you and will derive you to achieve your 3/5/10 year goals.
Step 4.????Having set your top 3 goals for next 1 year as your top most priority, right now it is the time to develop strategies on how to achieve these goals. You should then carry out a complete self-analysis about yourself. This will help you to identify the areas of improvements and the new skills you should master that will enable you to achieve these Goals.
With these 4 steps, you have identified your Top 3 Goals and also ?the strategies to reach these goals. Not only that now you have realised your potential as well as the areas where you should improve and the new skills to master.
Having completed the powerful goal setting exercise and arrived at Top 3 goals, right now it is time for action. These 7 steps will guide you to take the right action.
1.????Break you goals into small chunks.
2.????Take every day action against each small chunks
3.????Take baby steps and it is a learning process
4.????Whatever be the outcome against each action, identify the learning.
5.????If there is a failure, find out where it went wrong and take corrective actions
6.????Learn from failure and success.
7.????Adapt or modify the process to make it effective to achieve your Goals
Please note progress doesn’t mean success. Even the failure is a progress towards your Success. Take action continuously and that will help you to progress in your life to reach your goals.
These successful goals will lead you towards your True Purpose of Life and thereby you will live a Grandeur Life