Life post-covid: A medical secretary's story
I had covid, pneumonia and pyelonephritis in December 2020. I spent December 2020 and January 2021 in and out of hospital.
I returned to work in March 2021 with no proper support and had two failed phased returns and picked up every infection doing the rounds. During this time I had debilitating shortness of breath, chronic fatigue, insomnia, brain fog, post-exertional malaise (PEM) and weakness in my legs. Following a big relapse in July 21, I was diagnosed with post covid syndrome in October 2021.
I had 10 months off work for rehabilitation for my lungs/legs, brain retraining exercises and the most important and hardest thing was learning to pace my energy limit.
I also had counselling in 2021 after my big relapse as I felt such a failure as a colleague, wife and mum as my life had changed so quickly. It helped me accept my illness,? my limitations and to look positively at small steps moving forward. I also used access to work and had a support worker who helped me return to work in May 2022.
I returned to work with a better phased return in May 2022. I couldn’t manage my 30 hours work alongside talks with doctors, covid rehab and occupational health. I applied for a flexible work request on reduced hours on health grounds and started 3 days/22.5 hours in April 2023 with a rest day built in. I was still working in stroke services but with different consultants. At the start I had more work than when I was 30 hours but recent meetings have changed this in order to offer me more support.
Exercise is yoga, walking and occasional swimming with rest days built in. Pacing is done everyday, and I still need support at home to maintain daily life. Acceptance, pacing, rest and support have helped me move forward. I am grateful as others with Long Covid are much worse.
Pre-covid, I worked 30 hours, commuted 4 days a week, had a busy job working for two full-time stroke Consultants, went to the gym three nights a week, socialising at weekends, family biking and was a busy active mum and wife.