Life and Philosophy of Fakir Lalon Shah: The Mystic Poet and Baul Sufi Samrat

Life and Philosophy of Fakir Lalon Shah: The Mystic Poet and Baul Sufi Samrat

Bangladesh is a land of three hundred and sixty wali, awalia, kutub, gaus,abdel (nearly meaning saint,sage, avatar, prophet etc.). Islam had been spread here by many great sufies and saints of such types in prior to Mughal period . Earlier the existing religions were Sonaton Hindu and Buddhist in this subcontinent. Later British empire comes with Christianity. So this place geographically and anthropologically is a multi cross-cultured mixture of three main religions from its dawn of civilization.

As a result, mysticism is in the mentality of Bengali psyche. ‘Baul’ song basically a comprise of rural thoughts, daily lifestyle of common people and their folk song with supernatural contour. The word Baul' means insane, crazy, self-seeker. Bengali Sufism' or trend of sufiana is mainly named Bauliana. At present philosophically these two 'isms' have no big differences.

Baul Samrat Fakir Lalon Shah (1774-1890) or Lalon Shai is world renowned as a Bengali metaphysical poet, philosopher, mystic songwriter, composer, social reformer and thinker etc. Folk-religion Baul is deeply based on songs, of which most of the familiar songs are composed by Fakir Lalon Shah. Those songs which are composed by Lalon Shah are known as ‘Lalon Geeti’.

He is considered as a prime icon of Bengali culture. Lalon's songs have attracted widespread attention and inspired especially common rural folks, many poets, thinkers, scholars both in national and international world for their mystical approach to humanism as well as their melodious tunes.? Lalon Shai expressed the true message against the misinterpretation of?all main religious scriptures, without undermining any. He explained deep relation between 'Man and God' taking referential extracts or words from Quran, Veda and Gita.

People from all sects, Hindu, Muslim or Atheists community take his inspirations and gather under his conception and believe him as a saint, they thought him as the representative of god, messiah or light-man. They could not find any gap in his deeds and ethics. The human life should have only one goal of knowing his creator, for that? He shows his followers the way of finding God or Allah by practical teaching of his life and composed songs with abstract lyrics of `Dehotattic’ (Physiological).

Shaizee (We call him with respect meaning GURU) boldly said that 'the Creator must resides within the Creation', so one should search him inside not outside the body and mind. This is the core theory of all religion of all time. In process of doing this naturally many obstacles came in his life from the power-practitioner of the society but he raised his voice against the old dogmas of class, caste, religious malice and so many social issues through his songs, rejecting faulty rules and notions what are suppressed over the people showing fear of religion.?

His literary grandeur is proof of his genius.? For the uniqueness of theme, language, heart touching music and rhetoric of his songs, it easily attracts the people of all walk of life. Bengali people give him legendary position in their very heart. Even still many visitors and tourist from abroad come to his Majaar (not literally ordinary grave but the resting place of The Sadhu, Wali, Saints etc) to show their respect and to know about his philosophy from his followers.

We can know so little about Fakir Lalon Shai, Even, the dates of his birth have no authenticity, widely accepted birthdate could have been 1774. What so far as some conceive, he was born at the village Horispur in Horinakundu of Jhenidah district, while others contradict that his birthplace would be in located of Bhagura in Kumarkhali of Kustia. Cheuria in Kustia is his last resting place is for sure where he made the Akhra (Asram). Every year on Bengali month 1st Kartik and the first full moon day of the Falgun month, two Orosh or Mela are held in memory of Fakir Lalon Shai. Thousands people celebrate this man of great heart.?

Lalon Shai born in a poor, uneducated hindu family, was deserted by his kith and kins when he was caught by small pox, a contagious disease. He had been floated into river according to the village custom considering him dead. After that the ailing Lalon was rescued by a Muslim couple who had no children of their own and adopted him like their son and gave shelter and treatment. This incident left a deep mark on his life and thought. He got a new life and felt himself reincarnated from inside.

He had started to see the world with a new dimension but could not be satisfied until he met Shiraj Shai, (Peer, Murshid, Guru, Wakil).? Coming in contact to Shiraj Shain, his spiritual Guru, he learned the subtle, deep and underlying meaning of love, religion, soul and God. In every song we get the name of Siraj Shai with deep respect and the? recurrent theme conveyed that? a follower (Shisha) urging to his guru considering him as God more and more to cross him this lifelong river.

'Ami opar hoe bose achi, ohe doyamoy'

literal meaning 'Oh God, I have been so deserted and being floated in the wave of emotional ocean , please take me to the shore.

An interesting part of his biography that about 10-15 years of his history is missing totally. None can say where Fakir Lalon Shah had been around these years. Researchers thought in this missing period he was in a jungle alone performing Salat or Tapassa or Dhyan (yogic meditation) towards the almighty Allah or? divinity. Every great man or sage spent a phase of their whole lifetime meditating alone in hill cave like Hera Guha in Ararb of Muhammad, Tur mountain of Moses, Kailasha Mountain Shiv /Mahadev etc,

Without spending time with oneself, one can never attain the ultimate truth which is given in every religious scriptures in the world clearly.

Baul song is basically derived or narrated from belief, practice and lifestyle of illiterate village people. Before Lalon Shai this Baulism was not taken as literary area of educated boundary. It at first is not received cordially in the area of civil society, given not much value, thought a sort of low status outcome, song of ignorant rustic people who has no sense of art and beauty. But This only person with prolific genius alone? has given a lower class’s folk-songs to the height of a religion and rose up as a blazing comet of great spirituality in the landscape of world music.

Rabindranath Tagore candidly admitted Lalon’s influence over him in many of his lectures at home and abroad. He was influenced by Lalon’s songs in such a degree that Tagore started collecting his poems. In his Oxford speech Rabindranath compared Lalon with the sage of Upanishad without mentioning his name. He says,-

"The village poet evidently agrees with our sage of Upanishads who says that our mind comes back baffles in its attempt to reach the unknown being; and yet this poet like the ancient sage does not give up adventure of the infinite thus implying that there is a way to its realization.”

At first Jotirindronath Tagore, elder brother of Rabindranath, gave a visit with Shaizee and have a chance to acquire his high ideology in an intimate conversation. On that meeting he drew a sketch of Shaizee what is the first and last picture we have in hand at present.?

Only Sketch of Fakir Lalon Shai by Jotirindroanath Tagore
Sketch of Fakir Lalon Shai by Jotirindronalth Tagore

Later though Rabindranath could not happen to chance of meeting with Sufi Samrat Lalon Shai in person, he collected Lalon Geeti and examined them. He?employed two of Lalon disciples in his custody under monthly 13 tk salary and tried to practice and possesses? Lalon philosophy, thoughts and ideal. Rabindronath automatically accepted apprenticeship of Lalon Shah as Guru. Last portion of his life Tagore used to wore long robe, never cut hair and beard, leading life like sadhu with little belongings etc are clear influence of Bauliana of Lalon shai. Rabindronath published 20 lyrics of Shaizee in the Haramoni unit of the Probashi- a newspaper of Kolkata in the Bangla year 1322. Needless to say, before this step, unknown, unnoticed and undiscovered Lalon was hidden within the wall of the rural folk. How much overwhelmed Rabindranath was with his talent! The melody as well as the speculation of the former overflowed the mind of the latter with thrill and awakening. Nobel laureate Tagore from civilized society had been the student of an unknown, uneducated rural Baul.

Every prophet is a poet but every poet is not a prophet. Shaizee is of latter kind. There are lots of controversies about Lalon shai being a sage or saint. I personally opine that just poetic proficiency is not enough of measuring his rank. Prophecy belongs to supernatural context. His deeds are actually his supernaturalism. It should be said with due respect that it is not easy task to describe or define Lalon Shai within some pages of words. As this exceptional kind of personality is too huge that his philosophy is far beyond from our modern theoretical knowledge, he is one in billion, comes once in a millennium.? He should be in the queue of Yugpurush who came to establish peace in their own way in respective of their time and space to the total humankind. His teaching has become preaching which is meditative, contemplative, detachment of worldly desires. Most of his songs carry thematic aptitudes which surrounded from minimum understanding quality to high intellects. One can receive in accordance with one’s capability. So easy is his verses but deep in thought.

“Sotto bol supothe chol,

Ore Pagol mon….”

…… means “Say truth, walk in right way, Oh my restless mind”.

To be truthful, authentic and honest are its main theme. Human mind is so unrest that it is attracted by many things at a time, if we cannot control it or in other word if we can concentrate on our mind, we may find the right way of peace and contentment. But being truce is the most difficult attempt in the world. As Mahatma Ghandhi says ‘Truth is God itself’. Shaizee uses many metaphorical name of our true inner self like `Ochin Pakhi’ (unknown bird) Sohohoj Manush (Easy man) Moner Manush (the beloved one), etc. only to capture that Moner manush, everything is constructed and decorated for human being in the world. His famous song is “ Milon hobe kotodine, amar moner manushero sone…” ( When I could combine with my beloved self) So easy his sayings but deep in thinking. Lalon’s philosophy is comparable to the philosophy Persian mystic Sufis and Poets like Rumi, Jami, Hafeez and Ibnul Arabi.


But Fakir Lalon Shah is not respected in all sects. Though I could not find any negative record examining his life history. Righteous, ascetic, hermit etc. these kind of terms are fit to his characteristics. There remains a group in every religion and society who are just busy only with outward ritualistic rules, instructions and practice without diving into deep of central meanings of holy scriptures. They use religion for their own interest, luxury and power in society to control the common people. They create discrimination, hatred, status within general people to divide and rule them easily. When this type of group of little learner try to judge the personality like Lalon, dispute might happen deliberately so silence would be the best decision about that argument.??



Great men have no differences in their roots. Like Socrates Shaizee also depicts his easy way of life that the process of knowing thyself is the process of knowing God. He who knows himself, he can know his creator. Lalon Shai sings “ Khepa tui na jene tor apon khobor kuthai jabi”—without knowing yourself, you have nowhere to go. “ Ekbar Aponare chinte parle go, jeto ochenare chana”---- if we could know ourselves, we are able to know the unknown. He composed approximately 3,000? Baul songs which are just full of one message about purification of soul in different ways. Carnal desire is the main enemy, sensuality is the mother of all materialistic attractions and bondage, love over sex is his theory for getting real freedom from this gravitational world. When a sadhu can tear apart all the bondages by acentric Sadhana, he will not be in mortality any longer, he becomes immortal, mingled with the omnipresence ever, his will become God’s will. Man’ is the first and final concern of ‘Lalon Geete’.? Dimoc (1966) defines ‘Baulism’ in the following way: “ Man is the microcosm, containing the divine and all the elements of truth within himself. Realization of the divine means realization of one’s true nature. And this state is a state ofunity in which neither blow nor blessing, neither emotion nor non-emotion, neither sin norrighteousness, neither desire nor the abandonment of desire, makes the slightest difference.The existential condition, however, is one of separation, and the ‘Baul’ songs rest heavilyupon the longing of man’s soul for what Tillich calls “reconciliation” and upon the pain attendant to the assertiveness of the lower self, the senses, in hindering it.”


Evidently the structure of Metaphysical poetry is a legacy of meditation. Lalon plainly renders a concrete interpretation of what life is; the nature and function of human body and soul; the relation between God and human beings, the role of religion in determining the status of man irrespective of cast and creed; men-women relation and the theory of failure and success of mundane life in his Allatotoo, Rasultatto, Shristitotto, Murshidtotto, Attototto, Dehototto, Manushtotto, Montotto, Poromtotto, Jatitotto, Parapartotto, Chandtotto, Rooptotto, Premtotto, Gurutotto, and Baultotto songs

Fakir Lalon tries to say Murshid play a vital role for a meditator for the mystic union with God. God himself descends down on earth in the form of human or Guru for a seeker of truth. In his song "Manush guru nishtha jar......" means , he who concerns about Guru the most, his all attempts are succeeded? in this life. In Gurubad or Gurutoto, Guru or murshid is given the first and foremost importance to Vokto or shisha (student). A follower should worship him as God.


Jei Murshid sei to rasul,

Ihate nai kono vul,

Allah o sei hoi."

(He who is Murshid is the prophet and is The God.There is no mistake, no mistake)

But the other group of Islam convicted him for this kind of lyrics. They say man can never become a god, it is insulting approach to almighty Allah saying such philosophy, so they ridiculoysly dictate Lalon Shai Kafir (non-beleiver) and outrun him from Islam and society. They harassed inhumanely many his folowers and disciples without understanding the secret meaning of his verses and violating Islamic laws, create violance against peace. In a true sense, any kind of violance is strictly prohibitted in not only Islam but in every religion, As arabic Islam means peace. So anyone who distort pace is not a true Muslim. In the Holy Quran, it is clearly written? that? human beings are made after the image of God. There are lots of examples of giving respect and to obey Waliam-murshid (Guru,teacher,father) in the holy Quran. The esoteric knowledge of soul has no other way of transferring without Murshid. It is a Man to Man methodology. Against their conviction Lalon Fakir answer them He has no religion at all, he is universal. In a song he depicts his feelings...Sob loke koi Lalon Ki jat songsare...means ` Everyone ask what is the caste of Lalon, Lalon says I find no other race except Human'. In brief there is only one class, race,group that is 'Human Being'. All men is equal to the eye of God.‘

Baulism believes that there is no beauty truer than the beauty of God in the universe that lives within our souls.? The creator is one and second to none and like the Sufi, Lalon also wants to immerse himself into the ultimate entity.

Songs of Allahtotto (hypothesis on light) confirms Lalon’s devotion to Allah. Allah is an amorphous entity but omnipresent. This philosophy is evidenced in Lalon’s songs. So, he longs for a mystical union with the divine:

O, how long will I

Wait to get the union of my beloved?

Like a swallow, I long for you every moment

O, my darling.

Lalon continues his search for God as he wants to be united with his illusory neighbor. The

amorphous, incorporeal lord appears to His creation in unending images like Ram, Rahim,

Karim, Kala etc. ------ “Who knows what is he like?”

According to Lalon, if one can be merged with God, no sorrows will touch him in this life and the life hereafter.

“O the bird of mind, say Allah

No sadness will be with you.”

God is mysterious and it is very difficult to know him. His mind is perturbed with

the queries like “Who am I?”, “Who talks in me?” and “Who is that all powerful?” So, his

quest continues even though he knows they live so close to each other. They are so closer yet

they are so far. Like great metaphysical poets, comparing human soul to a mirror city where

God dwells in, Lalon says:

Not for a single moment,

I could not meet my nearest neighbor

who dwells in the Arshinagar (the mirror or cosmic world or deep in heart)

Fakir Lalon Shai felt mysterious emotional urge from inside to sing. Without? much thinking? he started to sing instantly and a spontaneous flow of melody came out of his voice which were used to be memorized or written by Lalon followers. His literary works are enriched using all kinds of literary ornaments like simile, metaphor, conceits, personification, analogy, allegory. In one of his most famous lyrics which is frequently sung all over the world, he compares the human soul to an unknown bird and human body with a cage:

How does the strange bird

Come in and out of the cage?

If I could catch it

I would shackle on feet of that bird forever.


As Theistic mysticism is an integral part of the Lalon Geeti. God, soul, relation between God and human beings, love, death, afterlife etc. are the recurring themes of Lalons songs. If we cast a close look upon Fakir Lalon's life, we can easily assume that he was destined to re-establish the oldies into a novelty, a new direction in perspective of? that time and space and rectify the manipulated rules and regulations of the society. His songs have already won the legendary impacts over people in the whole world. Even after 120 years of his death, I am trying to catch a slight glimpse of his works and life.

Scholars in many International reputed universities around the world sit for doing research his songs like Shaksepear, socrates, william Blake. Still no one can be found who can write equal to his heights of thought level. His songs are not only for just listening and enjoying but to be felt and realized with a view to swimming in the ocean of cosmos.

Credit goes to:

01. Dr Baba Jahangir-al-Sureshwari

02. Sufi Sadar Uddin Chisty

03. Abdel Mannan

04. Maulana Muhammad Abul Bashar

Movie Link:

01. Lalon by Tanvir Mukammel

02. Moner Manush by Gautom Gosh


