Life & Parent
Asslam Alikum.
My name is Muhammad Bilal Rasheed. I'm a professional designer as well Software Engineer. Now I'm here to present my feelings as a Son whose father no more here with him. So in 30 Jan 2021 that is the more difficult day and time for me in my whole life. I remember when Doctor said me, there is nothing else in medical field that save your father life that was the last movement for my father, I am the only one person that be here with my father in Service Hospital Emergency Department and I have no idea what was going on in next 30 min.
Listen just wait a min I added one more thing in this article, I and my family spent quality time in 2014, we have no idea after few months we face to much hurdles I mean we all of them to much happy with us i newly got admission at UOS Lahore Campus, everything was going in normal flow but one day suddenly when i came back to home and i saw my father face that was little bit swell and mouth was not able in open position and my father face to much pain when they try to open their mouth, I ask my father every thing is fine, my father look at me and make some sweet smile and then said yes my son every thing is fine, that is the time that changed my whole life and my smile. I force my father to check properly that was the problem so we deciding to going Lahore Medical Hospital for proper checkup, after consultation more than 2 times doctor decided to move this case to their senior doctor and they recommended MRI test for better results, after MRI we got MRI report and I discuss with doctor about MRI results. That is the turning point for me that words change my whole life style when doctors said me that your father MRI reports not a good sign i really afraid and i ask doctor what is your mean then doctor said your father diagnose cancer and that is in 4th stage. I remember i never told about reports result to my family and i thought about my father whole night. And the next day i with my father going for senior professor consultancy Dr. Riaz Ahmad Warriach, he said that is the only one option that is surgery and you arrange money for surgery it was 6.5 lac in 2014. We was not able to arrange 6.5 lac and my father said me "Beta tension ni lo jitni zingdi likhi hoi h utni guzrani h" unfortunately we stay way from surgery just because of money. No one be here in my family's to support my family we and just our ALLAH I pray to ALLAH "Please save my father life you are the only one in the world" So my father spent 4 years without any surgery or treatment and we was happy set our mind ALLAH always be here with us.
In 2020 I got my first professional job at Software Company and then I decided to take serious step for my father now I start my father treatment in 2020 June at Farooq Hospital Dr Imtiaz Ahmad Randhawa supervision. Dr said me we start treatment with chemo that is the most highest doz that was giving my father after chemo my father feel good some hurdles like infections and stomach infections but my father recovery to quickly after chemo cycle we all happy after seeing my father improvement . Then Doctor decided to take next step like radiation ways, that was the wrong step that create to much problems in my father life after radiation my father again recover quickly Doctor also surprised after seeing my father recovery '"he said 4th stage cancer patience and their treatment start after 4 years diagnose, he recover very quickly ".
After their treatment my father start their normal life again and spent there time in shop and family. One day he feel uncomfortable and i hold my father hand and i ask are you fine? He said yes my son and make some smile that was the last night of my father at home. we decided to take some serious action and going for checkup at Service Hospital that is the wrong decision. after some treatment doctor discharge my father at 4:00 AM Saturday 30 Jan 2021 we again decided to admit my father at service hospital this was because my father BP to much low at 10:00 AM after this my father trying to talk with me but i never understand at the time of 2:00 PM my father hold my hand and make some smile and i really tens what was happening at the time of 4:00 PM my father said me after listening AZAN. Is it Asar Prayer Time? i said yes. At the time of 5:00 PM my father feel very pain during breath. At the time of 5:30 or 6:00 PM my father take last breath and left all of things family each and every thing , left the world. No one here with me and my family during whole difficult time.
Recently I got Married 19 November 2022 . I just say to all of you please just be stay with your parent and much more time with your parents. Not you company company just just use you for some offers.. But parents use you for better future and life. Company job just like a duty.. Parents just like a responsibility. You got number of jobs and staff.. but you never got your parents, this is just once in your whole life.
I just said this, because when I with my father last day at hospital my company call me for fix some clients issues I replied I'm not able to fix client issues right now and told about my father, my company owner said me where is your elder brother who take care of your father you fix first client issue. That is the worth of job "sadness, depression "