Life Owes You Nothing

Life Owes You Nothing

Triple Espresso:

My apology in advance…

But the world doesn’t owe you anything.

Neither does God.

In fact, just the opposite.

Now I know this might come as a shocker to you. Particularly if you’re a Millennial.?

Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE Millennials; and I think they have the potential to be some of the greatest leaders of modern history.

That is if they WAKE UP and realize their potential.

But it’s not just Millennials either. I see this erroneous mindset of entitlement in Xers and Boomer’s and Senior’s as well.

The truth of the matter is that YOU OWE LIFE!

Likewise, you owe God, the Creative Source, for the great gift you’ve been given.

“But James,” you say, “I’m a good person and I work hard.”

Yeah, met too; just like billions of others on the planet.

“But James, life has been unfair. My ex did this. My parents did that. I didn’t get any breaks growing up.”

Yeah, yeah I get it. If you know ANYTHING about my life AT ALL you know I COULD whine with the best.

I don't. Whining gets you nowhere and nothing but stuck.

“But James, I’ve paid the price over and over.”

Yeah, me too; and I’m STILL paying; and so will you. Until the end of your days.

The bottom line is that you get what you earn and create.

NOT what you deserve.


You deserve the best, most successful, and most fulfilling life on the planet. Truly you do.

There's a seed of greatness and mastery and leadership buried within you.

But you WON’T GET what you deserve unless you’re willing to Redeem your honor and go out and grab it.

Unless you’re willing to pay the price…

Unless you’re willing to sacrifice and sweat and burn and give EVERYTHING!

And if you don’t fulfill your purpose in this lifetime, let me tell you something…

It’s disrespectful to God!

And you'll leave with a tremendous debt UNPAID to God and Life.

Holy crap!!

Listen, you’ve been given this great opportunity called Life, and you better LIVE it!

Your move.

Let me know how I can serve and support you. The Hermetics Experience is where the NEW YOU is born. Seating is limited. The entire course including practicum runs from Feb. 28, 2022 – Jan 30, 2023. Grab your early bird seat while it’s available through January 31, 2022. Details here:

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