Life is Nothing But a Mold of Ideas- Henry Agassi
Henry Agassi
Speaker, Author, Social Media manager and Co-founder of Henry & Kaitlyn Agassi Foundation
I came up with the quote use as the cover two days ago on my way home. I was looking out the window and seeing different activities going on. And then I started thinking , “What is all these movements about?” What do people get in return for starting up businesses, writing books, music, etc ? And the answer was “Nothing” Don’t blow me off yet, here me out. The answer is “Nothing” because we are not really working but to “unworking” yes I just made that word up. I said unworking when the world sees it as Working because we are off loading talents and ideas, by doing what we are doing as Work(off loading is not work). So, If you don’t contribute anything it’s means you are actually working because you are carrying something (ideas) inside you and carrying is considered work. I hope you got that part. Now to the main point. We are merely here to share with the world what God has given us to share when we get here. God knew that new generation will come after us and they will need someone or something to guide them through life, so He gave each of us something to bring here in the world to help the next generation and to help ourselves while we pave the way for the next generation. Therefore, if you come here and don’t share those ideas/talents or gift then the next generation will suffer, heck our friends, family and neighbors will surfer & that’s not fair. Most of the ideas that we are living or using now was left behind by some people in the past. They wrote them down in books or papers in cases that they couldn’t creatively share it with the world as an art or invention. & creatively invent things if they could. For example, Henry Ford shared his idea by inventing a car, James Allen shared his by writing books. Imagine if Henry Ford hadn’t shares his idea?
So there’s nothing really to life other than contributions.
That's why you must not just live off people’s idea until you die, put your own ideas to work, contribute to life. If you can’t creatively share your ideas then write them down as a book & leave them for someone who perhaps will be able to creatively share them. This is one of the reasons why I like writing, so that someone can be able to execute the ideas that I’m not able to execute. #LifeIsNothingButAcontribtionOfIdeas.
Life is nothing but delivering God's message/gifts to the world -- Henry Agassi.
owner, writer/editor at Manness Editorial,specializing
7 年Agreed Henry, communication creates the growth of ideas. The trouble is sometimes educators want to preach their philosophies or value systems to their students, but not allow those students to ruminate on those ideas and discover how those ideas fit into their world views. I was teaching American Jewish literature one semester and one of my students objected to the abstract of the book that I thought presented one of the young men sitting in the back row holding up the wall from collapsing on usz.some extremely challenging ideas that Ellie Wiesel was presenting in the book NIGHT.