Life is Nothing But a Dream.

Life is Nothing But a Dream.

The Big Bang was actually a Kemetic Explosion that created everything. At the instantaneous moment it occurred, it shot eternally into the past and eternally into the future, so that it always was, always is and always would be in that moment in time that created time itself while collapsing it.?

Paradoxes, duality, yin and yang, opposites attract, magnetism, chemistry, polar opposites, twinflames, reality and untold countless trillions of individual dreamscapes were created in that moment.

We are all dreamers, the mind is limitless and imagination is limitless. They can make laws about what you wear, eat, smoke, drink, say, write -- but not about what you think, dream and imagine.?

You dont have to tell a child that their imagination is limiltless, thats why they have real imaginary friends, but you have to convince an adult that they "have what it takes" to pass a job interview -- why do you think that is?

The Kemetic Explosion was a prismatic supernova that created all realities, multiverses, universes, galaxies and dimensions in one timeless and eternal moment.

There are two existing dual realities that fit the universal theme of duality -- hot and cold, fire and ice, sugar and spice, black and white, yin and yang, good and evil, love and apathy (not hate), sun and moon -- so on and so forth.

The two realities are the current simulated reality we are all living in now that I am currently typing this in, but it is only a simulation, a facsimile, a virtual reality, a fax machine copy of our actual reality, which is the eternal dreamscape we all came from.

We are all eternal energetic beings, we are nature, this is why nature heals us -- why do you need a scientific study to confirm that?

We are magical, alchemical beings with the ability to naturally heal ourselves within ourselves with nature -- Pfizers got nothin on you.

We are trees, water, streams, rivers, grass, ganja, sun, moon, stars, skies, comets, milky ways, galaxies, oceans, waves, gardens, flowers, petals, dragonflies, fireflies, butterflies.?

This is why it is so unnatural for us to exploit, pillage & rape Mother Earth, overextracting & depleting natural resources, destroying rainforests, deforestation, overfilling landfills with unused SHEIN clothes & unopened Amazon products, greenhouse gas emissions, unclean coal, oil, gas, nuclear energy, toxic chemicals, smoke, smog, industrial waste & pollution -- they get artificially richer with capitalism's monopoly money while they do nothing but harm the planet, the air, the water, the ozone layer, literally harming themselves in the process yet they still think they are "winning" as their total destruction of Earth via climate change is continuing unabated as they march on in their shiny spacesuits to colonize Mars with Elon Musk without even giving their destruction of Earth a second thought.

We have all existed eternally forever in the dreamscape.?

The dreamscape is very similar to "What Dreams May Come" if you want a visual representation of what it's like.

Lush, visceral, lucid, explosive colors, 10 dimensional, multidimensional, all dimensions coexisting at once at the same time.

You can walk through walls, you can walk on water, you can fly, you can fall through the sky without dying.

What are our individual dreamscapes?

Simply our imagination.?

It's our thoughts. It's whatever our mind can conjure up. Its limitless expansiveness.

We go there every single night when we dream, whether you remember it when you wake up or not, you visited your dreamscape and that is the real reality, then you woke up to "go to work" in this fake reality.

How did we get here?

When you sleep, you go to your eternal dreamscape, where your eternal energetic being originally originated from. All of us were created in the instant the Kemetic Explosion (aka "Big Bang") happened.

So, how did we get here, into this fake ass virtual reality simulated upside down?

When people talk about your soul, when your physical body perishes, and only your energy and essence remains, they are actually talking about you returning to your original state, which is the eternal energetic being you were when you were created during the Kemetic Explosion.

You existed in your own eternal individual dreamscape -- literally your imagination -- for untold millennia until your human parents fucked.?

This created your physical human incarnation. Once this happened, you as an eternal energetic being were taken from your individual dreamscape and you physically incarnated as a human being inside of your mother's womb.?

Once she gave birth to you, you had now transported from your individual limitless dreamscape to our virtual reality as a mortal physical being in a very limited 3D reality, an upside down that is the opposite of the dreamscape in every way.

The next question would be, why does this happen? What is the point of us coming to this virtual reality?

The entire point of life in this simulated reality virtual reality video game is just to open and activate your third eye, spiritually awaken, experience ascension, self-actualize and realize that you are actually a limitless eternal energetic being and that you are only temporarily manifesting in a physical human form.
This is also referred to as an ego death, killing your human ego, and realizing that you are actually a limitless eternal energetic being.
Once you realize this, physical death no longer scares or frightens you, it is simply you permanently returning to your eternal dreamscape, which is where you originated from anyway.?
Why would you be afraid of death when it's simply a permanent return to your own mind, your own imagination, your own 10 dimensional dreamscape which is where you originated from and you currently temporarily visit each night when you sleep anyway?

The place you are in now, this current hellscape, full of injustice, racist cops, terroristic militaries, empire building, religious dogma, abuse, rape, sexual violence, pointless wars, genocide, racism, hatred, misogyny, transphobia, homophobia, conditioning, grooming, sex trafficking, molestation, child abuse, greed and environmental destruction, doesn't scare you yet you fear a physical death that simply returns you to your original limitless eternal energetic self and dreamscape?

Yo, who taught you to fear death and why?

Keytruda is a cancer drug that was $100k when it was first released that only allowed you to live for an extra 30 days.

Just how brainwashed are you?

Look at all of the endless medical interventions, look at the slashing and the burning, the chemical radiation, the buzz saws, the hormones, the endless surgeries, triple bypass, open heart, remove a lung, non-stop prescription medication, opiates, oxy, perc, tylenol with codeine --?

For what? You're going to fucking die, anyway.

Have you figured that out yet?

They have you so afraid of death yet you're not afraid of the current hellscape you currently live in.

Objectively, we are in hell by now, by any observable metric.

We are surrounded by mindless destruction, endless exploitation, wars, expansion, greed, capitalism, corporatism, environmental destruction, overconsumption, materialism, consumerism, unnecessary and needless starvation, houselessness & poverty, no living wage, no universal health care, no universal education --

Apple is a trillion dollar company and you think we don't have enough resources for every American to be housed, fed, educated, paid a living wage and receive medical care?
We're the richest planet on Earth and you actually don't think we have the money to house, feed, educate, pay a living wage to and provide medical care for every American citizen?

Globally, the richest 1% control the majority of the money.?

Even a child could figure out if we evenly spread the resources, nobody would have to starve, nobody would have to die from hunger, houselessness and poverty.

We see what the Bezoses and Musks and Apples are making.

We see the corruption in "poorer" countries where the leaders all tend to be rich.?

Why is that, that the leaders in "underdeveloped" countries are never starving along with their subjects?

Because they hoard the money, the charity donations, the money from the US, these leaders hoard it for themselves and dont give it to their citizens so they become richer while their citizens become poorer and many die.

It doesnt have to be like this in America or anywhere else.

The global elites want it like this. They want their mansions, their private jets, their Epstein pizzagate islands where they can rape children.

You dont really think Bob Iger needs $78,000 a day to survive, do you?

They want it like this and they collectively want us to barely make a living, work for a minimum wage, work a "salaried" job with thousands of hours of UNpaid overtime, kill ourselves for scraps for a CEO that isnt working and is making 1000xs more, spend the majority of our lives at a corporate 9 to 5 -- more time then we spend at home, with family, friends, loved ones, living, reading, singing, dancing, expressing, being alive -- you will spend the majority of your life working to make a CEO you will never even talk to richer -- the majority of each day at work and the majority of your life at work since you wont get to retire until 65 then "you can do what you want" for 10 years then drop dead -- are you actually okay with this?

The point of this virtual reality videogame is for you to open your 3rd eye, realize you are much more than just the physical human you are currently manifested as, ascend, spiritually awaken, self-actualize and realize you are actually an eternal energetic limitless being -- made from the same energy that created the Kemetic Explosion Big Bang -- you are energy, you are source, you are universe.

Realize this place we currently and very temporarily reside in is nothing but a dream and a virtual simulated reality of the actual reality which is the dreamscape you visit every night when you experience REM sleep, its simply a shift in consciousness that allows you to travel to your dreamscape, then when you "wake up", you are back here in the virtual reality.
But when you actually wake up, meaning you open your third eye, you will realize your human ego is as false as this virtual reality is and as limited as your physical human body.

Wealth, status, prestige, brand name company, fancy job title, fancy car, fancy house, luxury vacations, fancy furniture, all to impress other people, keeping up with the joneses, keeping up appearances, climbing the corporate ladder, high net worth, liquid assets, being an executive -- its all bullshit and ego driven, its all driven by a desire to impress, be important, be admired, be liked, be respected, be feared -- its all external, nothing internal -- its all surface and not substance, its all gloss, its all photoshop, its all airbrushed, its all comparison driven, its all a dick measuring contest, its all Im more successful than you, Im a bigger deal than you, I drive a better car than you, I have more money than you, Im number 1, I finally made it, its 500+ likes for a LinkedIn employment update, its working for big tech, working for FAANG, working for FAAMG, working for Disney, its all I got mine, its all Acknowledge me!, its all Im a big fucking deal, its all I am important and people know who the fuck I am, its all I run this meeting, I run the show, I am impressive, important, my accolades and achievements precede me, people respect me, I got into a prestigious company, I got into Goldman Sachs which has a 4% acceptance rate, I got into Amazon and passed their interview where they interrogated me with their endless Leadership Principles, I have the golden star, I am a capitalist success, I am a six figure earner, I am in the $100k+ club, Im an executive, Im a VP, I made it, I am the American Dream...which is nothing but a fucking nightmare.

How do you like those golden handcuffs?

What happens if you're one of the 2 to 3 million more layoffs LinkedIn is predicting is going to happen this fall?

Kill your ego so your ascended self can be reborn.

Induce your own ego death so your ascended self can live.

Once you do, you'll be fully awake and fully alive and physical death will no longer scare you because it leads to the true eternal life which is just you returning to your eternal dreamscape and returning to the eternal energetic being you always were after shedding your temporary physical human self and shell.

Thats the true Kendrick Lamar Metamorphosis.

Your physical human manifestation is the caterpillar shell you must shed by inducing your own ego death and killing your own ego to become a butterfly, which is your ascended spiritually awakened third eye activated self-actualized self and this metamorphosis from your ego-driven caterpillar self to the ascended third eye activated butterfly is a metaphor for the final transformation which is actually only the beginning of when you shed your caterpillar physical human manifestation, so the ego death foreshadows the physical death, and you transform into a butterfly limitless energetic being, and this current physical virtual limited caterpillar reality is a metaphor for the ascended butterfly limited eternal dreamscape, which is just your individual imagination.

Love is eternal and limitless. Energy is eternal and limitless. Imagination and the mind are eternal and limitless.

Who is in your eternal dreamscape?

Your soulmates (platonic, familial and romantic) and twinflame (if you have one -- this is two souls that were fused together into one yin yang soul and one eternal energetic being when the Kemetic Explosion happened and then, when they physically manifested as human beings, their one soul split into two physical human beings that are fated and destined to be together in the virtual reality as best friends, romantic lovers and a sexual couple then, when they physically die and return to their eternal dreamscape, their souls fuse back together into one eternal energetic being that is simultaneously one being while still being two beings at once as both energies reside in the one soul being -- Yin Yang Twinz.

Thats duality.

There is no judgemental asshole in the clouds sitting on a throne judging people for having sex -- do you actually believe those lies that were packaged to you to control you with fear?

You really think God has a long white beard and is sitting on a throne like Santa Claus at the mall?
The only hell that actually exists is your own mind, if you refuse to kill your own ego, if you refuse to cause and experience your own ego death, if you keep living an empty life fueled by your ego desires, when your physical self dies, and you return to your dreamscape, it will be as empty and shallow as your life was.

You failed to beat the virtual reality game.

You failed to ascend and open your third eye.

You failed to reject capitalism, consumerism, overconsumption, materialism, greed, wealth, status, privilege, corporatism, profiteering, superficiality, environmental destruction, industrial waste, big pharmas lies, exploitation, excessive medical intervention.

You failed to accept death as the natural outcome to life versus unnaturally doing everything possible to avoid it extending your life beyond all reason.
You failed to reject prejudice, close mindedness, us vs them, stereotypes, political propaganda, religious dogma, dehumanization of vulnerable populations that need community, socialism & a universal basic income, housing and medical care -- basic needs that could be met today instead they die needlessly of hunger, starvation, houseleness and very treatable illnesses and medical conditions while you sit there willingly oblivious and obtuse with your upper middle class income, your McMansion, your Lex Coup Beema & Benz, your yearly summer vacations self turning a blind eye to all of the unnecessary suffering under capitliasm that you endlessly benefit from and refuse to call it out for the bullshit system it is that is responsible for the death of millions.
You bought into all of the carefully packaged lies and rejected introspection, because you didnt want to give up your VP spot, your executive title, your 401K, your stock options, your unrestricted stock, your luxury vacations, your sports cars, your investment portfolio, your big ass house, your clout, your impressive career, your status, your wealth, your prestige -- you bought into capitalism because it financially and materially rewarded and enriched you but you ended up mentally, emotionally and spiritually bankrupting yourself but you refuse to admit any of this because you dont want to fuck up and fumble the bag.
But all that fake stuff doesnt exist in the non-simulated non-virtual real reality of the dreamscape, so when you get there and its just you, since expanding and exploring your mind is the one thing you avoided the entire time you existed as your physical human self, you refused to look inwards, you refused to look inside, you refused to question yourself and the unjust capitalist system that props up all of your status wealth and success, you refused to get deep, to ask yourself who you are outside of the impressive job, fancy title, brand name company, fancy house, fancy car, career accolades and accomplishments, luxury vacations and cruises and beach house rentals, flexing for the gram, clout chasing, pillar of the fake ass church, deacon, deaconess, trustee, respected church elder, queen bee, queen bitch of every social circle, king of the hill, alpha male, alpha female, you liked all the clout, people kissing your ass, impressing everyone on LinkedIn, the likes on the gram, the attention, the semi-celebrity local celebrity, the social currency and cache, everybody knowing your name, the HBIC in all your cliques, the bfd in your family, board member, committee member, non-profit volunteer, recognized at church, in the community, tons of friends, tons of clout, mystique, aura, presence, bank account, return on investment, hybrid electric sports car, vanity plates, vanity life.
You never looked within. You spent your entire life chasing and fucking and sucking dick for clout.

And in the literal instant of your physical death, when all of the fake stuff in this virtual reality video game is instantaneously stripped away in a moment, you sit and blankly stare in silence and you realize without all the virtual reality simulated fake stuff, that there is no "there there", because you never took one moment out of your entire physical existence as a human to look inside, introspect and think.

That is what this current hellscape is a simulation of -- actual hell, the eternal torment of never actualizing the self.

Wake up. Life is but a dream.?

Wake up so when you actually permanently go back to sleep then permanently wake up you're now permanently awake in your eternal dreamscape to dream and imagine limitlessly forever.

Dream on, dreamer ??


