The Life My Heart Longs For ...

The Life My Heart Longs For ...

Why is it so hard for me to live the life my heart is asking me to live?!

This is a question sitting in my heart (and head) of late. Is it just me?

For me, it comes in many forms. Societal, friendships, community, my ways of being, relationships, spiritual, and the natural setting I ache for... and on it goes. 

My brain starts to ask for some organization around this.. And wants to revert to the Me, We, World framework. So that’s how I’ll continue on to try to make sense of it. 

For Me

It's really hard to be the person I want to be right now. I feel tugged based on expectations and norms of everyday life. Tempted at every turn by modern excess. And unable to slow down and getting sucked into going at a pace that drains me and feels wholly un-natural.    

Tugged by friends who want to "Watch a Game" or my wonderful wife "would love to watch a Rom-com together".... not that these are bad unto themselves in isolation, but my Heart says "NO". No this is not the life I want… not the most generative way to be in connection with those I love and a constant excuse to consume a lot of content that is detrimental to my own psyche and state of mind. One that I know for sure has a neutral to negative impact on the quality of my life.  

Tempted by my abilities to make money. I know how to do it. I see plenty of opportunities... but I know better. My old-entrepreneurial self keeps whispering in my ear. And yet, I know for sure, that if my goal to make money, that has always lead to an unhappy place for me. But God Damn, it's so tempting to put that entrepreneurial hat on and tell myself, just be a few years of this then you can do the real work you love. That's cost me 25 years already!  And I can't afford to do it again.     

That same temptation falls into all the food I eat. Everytime I eat out, the options of just a steak or delicious sandwhich or a beer this one time to celebrate or whatever, it's too much. ALL THE TIME.  And those are just 2 examples of myriad more. I’m sure you can relate. 

WE isn't Cutting IT for ME

My friendships are nice. I have some friends who are fun to hang out with on a Friday night. Some who are interesting in their world views and even some who are even towing the more spiritually aligned approach to life... but all in all it's so fragmented and so un-real to life it makes me feel like I am at a grocery store choosing which friend to do what with to satistiate a temporary craving versus the life long connection in all facets of life that I seek. One that is more every day. Communal. From a deeper place of love and connection. 

I, like many, long for the uneqivical, non-conditional sense of belonging. 

 One that is part of a simple way to live, connect and that, by being part of, in unto itself, creates purpose and meaning. A life our ancestors once had in our tribal ways. I can feel the great and deep need for it. It's palpable. And it’s not going away with the next fun outing with friends (which I enjoy, don’t get me wrong). It’s just not enough.  

I have no qualms with my friends old and new... I just need more. More regularity, more realness, more full acceptance, more values alignment…  I feel it’s safe to assume I am not the only one. 

World, no more

The world has become, in so many ways, unbearable for my stage of life. The beliefs of productivity, efficiency, growth, wealth, financial security, competition (as good), and so so many assumed false truths that once believed and achieved ... NO LONGER SERVE ME.  

I used CAPS to remind myself of the importance, difficulty and pain.  

How does one live a generative life in harmony with the natural rhythms of the earth in a man-made world that contradicts nearly all those natural laws and reverence? 

Does one physically extract their bodily self to another location in the world? Does one rebel? Does one retreat to. a hermit like existence? Does one try to create the next "Commune'' for all my friends to live in? ''  

What does one do with a world that breaches, brakes and violates the essence of “Me’. And makes the authentic connection of “WE” so so hard?

These are real questions for me. I don't pretend to have the answers to.. but am definitely looking into and exploring with others. If you'd like to explore these questions, you can join us here to continue the discussion.  

Or come be part of our "Meaningful Conversation" next week and RSVP here.

And of course, I'd love to hear what you have to say on this topic in the comments below!  

Jesus "Chucho" Loayza

Connecting Policy, Organizing, and Enforcement to Uphold Worker Rights

3 年

Aaron. I feel you 100 as an up and coming entrepreneur I definitely can already see ways where I can “cut corners” and make “fast cash” now. But you’re right, they are just not me. Those paths run counter to my principles and without those our visions and missions in life (be it our companies careers or otherwise) quickly fall apart. But hey commune idea ain’t bad! Just make sure there high speed wifi ??

Dorota Umeno

Registrar & Data Systems Coordinator

3 年

Aaron, so interesting and relatable, loved reading this, since we met when I chose to be certified via OMI in 2009... 10+ crazy turbulent years followed, and we seem to be in similar places in our lives, or evolution of consciousness, I would love to reconnect.


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