Life and music: aren’t they connected?
Even if one doesn’t like music (or, better, even if one say so) everybody lives with music. Music is present in almost all ceremonies: birthdays, weddings, funerals, parties. It’s also present in almost places: cars, shopping centres, cafes… It’s a constant on TV’s programmes and radio programmes (of course!), movies, internet sites, mobile phones…
So, can anyone say he/she doesn’t like music? Yes, he/she can. One can say everything he/she wants. But is that true?
Music is very important in my life, of course. I’m able to hear music without listening to it, what is something good I learned. Therefore, I’m almost always “listening” to music. Do you understand?
While I was in a vessel, during a weekend, I was seasick in the first night. So, I went to my bed. I could sleep, but I dreamt of me and my music students: we’re singing a Brazilian song we liked much. And that was really grateful. Then, I heard all the music I sang with my pupils in those classes. This episode occurred from Friday to Saturday.
On Saturday morning, I (thought) I was ready to work. But I wasn’t, so the commander ordered me to rest. And, when I was going to my bed, someone asked me if I wouldn’t prefer to go to another room, and I said yes. In that room, while I was sleeping, I listened to music. And it was really great, because I was able to hear to all the instruments – I mean, I had heard that music before, but I didn’t heard the triangle, for example.
That’s why sometimes I love to listen to music while I’m sleeping.
Jo?o Carlos (10909)
22th of March, 2014