Have you ever just sat down and allowed your thoughts to just take you down memory lane?
I did today. Earlier, after the sun came up.
Finally got the reply I had been waiting on. Or atleast some sort of acknowledgement. Still felt some type of way afterwards though. Then I layed back and let it all go. Again. Within minutes, I was smiling as I remembered what use to be. I think memories are our creator's way of reminding us that people change.
I remembered you today.
There is so much hate going on in the world now a days. We are burdened with making everyone else feel good about their dumb ass choices. While we are forced to accept our deaths because of their choices. We must keep our mouth closed or we will be punished. Suffering on the inside. Silently. Mentally, physically and spiritually we die a billion deaths just for diversity. To be included with those who think they deserve everything when they deserve nothing. I remember the marches and the attacks. I remember your slurs and curse words thrown to us on the school blacktop. I remember the condesending comments as you grade my work, the smirks as you crush my dreams.
I remembered all of you today.
Today, a memory can save your life. I almost lost my mind about 11am today. But I remembered the truth. You dont like our kind anyway. You spit on us. I have witnessed and experienced first hand the damage you do to us. Intentionally. Yet, you expect us to fight for you and protect you when someone does the same to you. It's called Karma.
It's called #life
I remembered that today.
I dont know who this person was. We have never met or spoken before. I reached out regarding an ad for a house to rent the other day. I received an email to call the number provided, today. So I did. After a few questions, the person on the other line told me that I can't afford to live in a single family house. WTF! Then he began to say, do you know you have to pay your own bills and so on. I explained that we have always had a house. I explained I understand all of the responsibilities of renting a home. But the way he made me feel. Disgusting! Yet, I am relieved and thankful. I've experienced the landlords that hate the fact, we are doing better than them at some point. Landlords that make poor investments and blame their tenants because the landlord can't pay their mortgage. Mad because your rent is paid. Mad because you're living your best life. I know this kind all too well. I even had one try to send men to my house to scare my children and I. Thank goodness my daughter knows enough French to tell us what the woman had just did. She had to be removed from my property for her actions. She told me, I didn't deserve to live there. So yes, this was hate speech, that protected me. Today, this man didnt ask my income, credit or anything else. Single mom was the answer to the first 2 questions. "Business Consultant", was the answer to the third question.
I remembered each and every one of you too, today.
So my day started off with memories that have taught me a lesson. I am able to recognize my protection. Some say we should not judge. If that is true, then whats the point of praying for descernment?
I don't know about you, I'm thankful for my #life Although it's been rough, my experiences are the memories that help me live a better #life I know everyone is not the same. I understand that people can change.
Just know, #life also shows us, some people won't!