Life is more important than ministry!
Christopher Jesudason
Advisor - Marketing at VOC Port Authority ( One of the Major and busiest Harbour !
Life is more important than ministry! And the Lord Jesus Christ teaches us that many people who performed miracles in His name, on the last day of judgment deserved to be ignored as "lawbreakers" (Matthew 7:22, 23). He points here clearly to the Christian preachers and healers who perform true miracles in His name. According to the word of Jesus Christ, many (not a few, not all, but many) who have this miraculous ministry are living in sin, both in their personal lives and in their contemplative lives! It will be made public before the judgment seat of Christ!!Clearly, it teach us that a man "doing miracles" is not an indication that he has been recognized by God, in any way. Anyone who has ears should listen! Otherwise he will be deceived!!At the age of thirty, Jesus Christ received the good witness that everyone heard from the Father of Heaven saying "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased" (Math 3:17). "That time" was the time when Jesus did not perform even a miracle or a sermon! What, then, is the secret of the good witness from God? Yes, it is clear that the good witness came through His life and not by His ministry! We will not be recognized by the growth of our ministry. Instead, we will be recognized for being faithful in our daily live!We have been told about the hidden 30-year life of Jesus Christ (except that He spoke to the pastor in the church) is that like us though He had been tempted in all respects, He had not sinned (Hebrews 4:15). Also He didn't pleased with Himself (Romans 15:3).He was faithful and stand against for all temptations. He did not seek His own in any way. This was what pleased the Father! Prayer:Dear Father! Not seeing the ministry of Jesus Christ.... but seeing His life, You gave Him the good witness and calling Him "My beloved Son"! In the same, we determine to follow You, oh Lord from today onwards! In the name of Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.Author: Brother Zac Poonen