Life In Monochrome - An Essay About Brexit Britain by an EU Expat
Konrad Dobschuetz
Founder Director | Global HealthTech Leader | Writes for Healthcare Today | Former National NHS Director | Business Mentor, Speaker, AI Creator, Advisor | ex-Pfizer, NHS, Novartis, MasterCard (eb) | Dad
I remember the day when I was writing my last piece about Brexit. It was just days before the big vote back in June 2016. I felt compelled to voice my views as a German, more so East German expat living in the UK. I published it here on Linked-in, just as it later turned out the UK decided to leave the European Union. I spoke about the ‘Irrationality of a Dream’, my dream and looked at cultures that live side by side, their free and fair value exchange, no more wars on the European continent and the ideals of the Peaceful Revolution of 1989 in the GDR (DDR). I had come from a family that lived behind the iron curtain and whose father stood up to face the government that autumn ‘89 in my beautiful hometown of Leipzig. It is now almost 9 years that I am living on this rock in the middle of the North Sea. After the vote happened I went through all the stages of grief and even saw some light at the end of the tunnel and three key chances of Brexit for the UK.
Now, more than one year on this light has gone very dim indeed. Something has to be said, which is clearly not for the audience of my fellow Europeans but UK citizens who belong to the majority of people that are just going along with it. The thinking is that Brexit “Won’t be that bad.”. This majority of people still has a lot of common sense and goodness in them but they have fallen silent in recent months. Firstly, let’s get something sorted right away. The vote has happened and there is nothing that can or should be changed in the sense of leaving the EU. I have come to accept that. How the exit happens and to what extent is a different question altogether. Secondly, you can argue of course, if it was a truly democratic vote. Personally I felt I was stuck in an endless spin-off of Fawlty Towers where Basil just keeps running into the same frying pan, over and over again. Funny at first but it becomes rather stale and annoying in the long run. It is not so much the vote which gives me sleepless nights however. It is the environment that has been created after the decision had been made and that is approved by the many through silence and opposed loudly only by the few. The country I once proudly called my 'new home' all those years ago, where I am still working and paying my fair share of taxes has changed to an indistinguishable mix of denial, self-pity and ignorance. These three things are now ruling Britannia’s waves. To say it frank, the United Kingdom has completely lost its way. Nothing of what once made Britain great has been retained. A lot of that was quirky and charmingly British before has now been tainted. The country is a far cry from the nation I looked up to and aspired to in the past. I tell you what, I even thought that I would, one day, defend the country in arms if need be. Now, I just feel sad, left alone and most worryingly, under threat.
All colours have gone, no more red, white and blue. All that remains is monochrome. There is the deafening rumble of the angry English mob calling for Europa's head on a stick, cancelling out all of the nuances.
Some people might say, "Well, go then. Why do you want to live her?” The things is, I still like this country, its deeply rooted, albeit eroding, democracy, its nature and the internationality of London.There is a lot to fight for, still. It just makes me sad every day what is happening here. I am prepared to stand up, voice my opinion and fight with all that I have. People want their country back? I tell you what, you never had it. It belongs to the Chinese, Russians, German banks and the Sheikhs for years. They have been investors that your successive governments let in to buy up all the land, privatise public services and make off with the dividends to tax heavens.
Now, should I, one day, follow the scores of well qualified people, the doctors, engineers, fruit pickers, nurses, builders and so on who are either long term planning to leave the UK, sit on packed bags or have left already, I will be enjoying the freedoms and privileges my European Passport represents. I can live, work and travel quickly and freely to anywhere in Europe. I will benefit from large trade deals and can chose where I want to retire. Spain, anyone? I can steer the destiny of Europe by partaking in cross European votes and referendums and browse the internet on my mobile for free wherever I am. Sure, the European Union has its foibles and there is a lot (!) of work to do still. But the project is more alive than ever. Also, the European economy is growing much faster than the UK’s and work is being done for more integration and knowledge transfer across te Union.
And what about you, my fellow British citizens? Well, you might be asked to travel to the new Headquarters in Ireland, Germany or France as companies move out or even, god forbid, lose your job. You will need to endure ‘Non EU’ queues when you travel across the continent. You may need to pay surcharges for phone calls, cash withdrawals and will need to look for a new retirement plan. These are just some of the highlights but none of it goes even down to the emotional level of uncertainty and Angst that the vote has left over 3 Million European citizens in, including me. It is merely scratching the surface of something that can never be gained back – trust. My personal level of trust in the country and the entire government has almost completely gone.
So what can be done to alleviate this and steer the country in the right direction again. Engage your MP; ask them what their plan for Brexit is. Put pressure on them to clarify the status of over 3 million people that are your neighbours, colleagues and friends. And most importantly, in your professional and personal live pro-actively and loudly oppose any form of bigotry and xenophobia. Help others to help you. A UK without us Europeans could long term the sick man of Europe once again.
I have chosen Linked-in for this post as I feel it is up to the professional world to make a difference. Time and time again it has been proven that collaboration and a free exchange of views can bring companies and ultimately nations forward. So let's do it together!
Any of my views expressed here reflect entirely my personal views.
Founder Director | Global HealthTech Leader | Writes for Healthcare Today | Former National NHS Director | Business Mentor, Speaker, AI Creator, Advisor | ex-Pfizer, NHS, Novartis, MasterCard (eb) | Dad
7 年Firstly, thank you for your comment Rondal Eric Powell and promoting your own post, fair. Secondly, your attitude represents exactly what I was describing in my piece, aka 'shut up and put up', neglecting the emotional impact of the climate that has been created for 3 Million people. Lastly, and trust me I am the eternal optimist, which ball do you exactly mean?
MP, Ind. Sales & Strategy Consultant Inst. Securities, Asset Management & Alternatives at Rondal Eric Powell Consulting
7 年There is no turning back. Time to take the ball and run with it....
Independent Digital Marketing Consultant | Charity and Non Profits Specialist | CharityComms Mentor | Trainer
7 年A wonderfully written piece Konrad which captures very well the emotional struggles faced by many people who are in a similar situation to yourself (I know a couple of people who are suffering with anxiety as direct result of this). Let’s hope the impact will be as minimal as possible, but like you I sadly think the shockwaves will be felt for decades to come