Life is a mental game
Winnie da Silva
Executive Coach | Leadership Strategist | Team Developer | Podcaster
How you think, your mental mindset will influence if not determine your outcomes and what you can achieve today.
If we don’t consider our state of mind in whatever we do, we will very likely get off track or run into obstacles. Many of which begin with us and how we think.
Our minds are fractured and stressed. Whether it’s…
Heck – we need that mental edge just getting out of bed to face the day!
In fact, I would argue that everything we do requires mental energy and mental fortitude.
We can gain all the skills in the world but unless we are prepared mentally to exercise our expertise, at best our skills don’t have the impact we desire. At worst, our lack of mental preparedness will derail those very competencies we’ve worked so hard to acquire.?
How can we get our mind in the right place today? These are a few things I do when my mind is not in the right place.?
What mindset are you looking to embrace??How will this mindset enable you to:?
Skill building is not enough. Invest energy in sharpening your mind too.
Business Enthusiast
2 年Through many of my self-reflections, I've discovered our actions and decisions determines the possibilities of reaching our potential milestones. "Life is a mental game". Pondering on this quote could result in positive choices, leading to personal and mental growth. You article pretty much condensed the majority of our life experiences, with insightful strategies to help us refresh our mental state. Thank you and nice work!
?? Building Mindful Leaders & Empowering Peak Performance ??
3 年Great one Winnie??I am starting to feel as though mindset is almost everything. My favorites are growth, curious, open, positive, learning (just to name a few). It takes moment-to-moment awareness / mindfulness to stay in control and conscious of our mindset (and focus / energy!). I too like outdoor ????exercise, or an escape or anchor into a book ??, podcast, show or journal and… meditation.