In-spite of no agreed scientific definition, as many as 123 tabulated definitions of life have been compiled to-date.
For most people, the point of life is to try to have a happy and satisfying existence and a life that fulfils the physical, emotional, and mental necessities.
One definition seems to be favored by NASA, "A self-sustaining chemical system capable of Darwinian evolution". More simply put, life is, "A matter that can reproduce itself and evolve as survival dictates."
All creatures called "living things" are made of cells, from the tiniest bacteria to the largest animals and plants.
Cells are one of the characteristics used to define whether something is alive or not. It is the smallest unit of life constituted of many organic and inorganic compounds and molecules that have been formed by many atoms.
One can't be truly alive without cells, but there is a big difference in the types of cells creatures are made of, and can be very different in shape and size, from the really simple to the complex, as they vary between different groups of living entities.
The only example of something "alive" without cells might be viruses that are just packets of protein and DNA. Scientists still aren't sure whether to consider them alive, or just call them particles. Most agreeing with the latter.
Water is the most abundant molecule in cells, accounting for 70% or more of total cell mass.
Water has a definite volume but no definite shape of its own. It can exist in solid; liquid, and gaseous (vapor or moisture) form, changing according to temperature. Particles in water are packed almost as closely together as in a solid, but can move around freely, and even retain memory of substances previously envisaged by it (debated theory has it).
According to Sadhguru, “One level of energy is the food that you eat; the water that you drink; the air that you breathe, and the sunlight that you receive. These things become the day-to-day energy that you experience. Another way of looking at it is that what you call “life” or what you call “myself” is energy.”
In physical cosmology and astronomy, Dark energy is an unknown form of energy that affects the universe on the largest scales. While, Dark matter is a hypothetical form of matter thought to account for approximately 85% of matter in the Universe.
If energy and matter are interchangeable, and mass and space are related, through general relativity. At its most fundamental level, life is made of matter and energy, something that occupies space and has mass. So, is life a discharge of cells from cosmic Dark matter and energy, or simply a by-reaction thereof?
Scientists have repeatedly found evidence of what it cannot be, but very few signs of what it is…
Food for thought!