Life is like Riding a Bicycle -…don’t have anything to regret, led successful and happy life!.. CoVid-19 is a challenge to live …part 175
You need balance. If you lean too far to one side, you'll fall off.
Regarding character traits, "that a person should follow the golden 'path of the middle' and not lean towards one extreme or the other."
It's important to always pay attention to where you're leaning.
Get back up again!
It's not falling down that determines your worth; it's whether or not you get back up.
In the beginning you stumble, but with more experience you can really get far!
Life is a series of learning from your mistakes. That's how you learned to walk and talk. And it's how you grow in life.
If you look at the ground instead of looking up ahead, you'll lose your balance and crash.
In life, it's easy to live in your own little bubble, consumed with yourself. You not only disconnect from the world, you ultimately disconnect from yourself. Look up and outside yourself. Connect to the world outside of you. Only then can you flourish.
When the road throws you a curve, go with it!
When a turn is coming up, you lean with the curve. You don't fight it and go the other way.
Life sometimes throws you curves too, and in order to remain on top, you need to go with the flow. If a tragedy happens, accept its pain, and go with God's larger plan which is for the ultimate good!
A bike helps you get to where you need to go.
Some people ride bikes just for the thrill of it. And some people believe that life just for the thrills. They don't realize they have places to get to.
A bike is a tool – it's not the end goal. You're supposed to get to someplace with your life. Be clear on your destination, and if you use it well, you can really get far!
A bike doesn't move on its own.
Disclaimer: The information on this POST is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional advice. The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this article is for general information purposes / educational purposes only, and to ensure discussion or debate.
Thank you …Life and bicycles need people to operate them. Without a person behind the handlebar, guiding and making choices, it just won't go anywhere!
When you get really good, you can do wheelies!
After you've been riding a bike for so long, you can start doing the special stuff.
Life is like that also. Once you get the hang of who you are and where you're going, you can pop some big miracles too!
Bicycling gives you muscles.
Life toughens you up, especially if you ride up hills. Riding down a hill may be fun and exciting, but only riding up the hill strengthens your muscles.
You can't do it forever.
Some people wish they could live forever. Some people believe it. But just like riding a bike, your body eventually wears out, and you need to go home.
The important thing is that you enjoy the ride, and you get to where you need to go!
Want to add word or two?
It is essential to strike a balance in life for which dive into your heart’s center, sit in silence, and hunt for self-realization with all your heart, with your entire mind and with your soul.
Learn to keep moving on with a balance in life and never work for just money or power, these will not save your soul or help you to sleep at night.
Life is a balance of holding on and letting go which is why it is said “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.”
Not getting what we want at times is the wonderful stroke of luck, don’t be disappointed if life don’t turn the way you want it to be, may be its crafting itself for something more better. Realize and be thankful for things you own and be happy and learn to be content.
Belief is the secret for all success, believe in yourself because relationship you have with yourself is the greatest relationship in the world.
Having a career is different from having a life, so no matter how busy you are at work, find space for yourselves as work will go on without you, but your life won’t.
Your comment ….?
Everyone has dreams and wishes to achieve. Often they are just wishful thinking. A person employed on salary dreams of owning a big car, house and many other luxuries of life. He doesn’t see that doing the same thing in the job, may never bring him the desired results. Either he should enhance his capabilities to get better salary or invest his abilities in a new venture.
Without changing himself in any way, if he continues to follow the same routine and then expects a miraculous financial result and owning luxurious assets, would be his foolishness. The idea here is to come out of the comfort zone and accept new
Be Willing to Change Yourself
Change is something that frightens and unnerves many. Change is always something new and unfamiliar.
We are accustomed to our old ways and feel comfortable in our cocoons. The moments are required to change our attitudes, thinking and ways of doing things, we feel uncomfortable. Yet we yearn to achieve many things.
How is it possible if we continue to do the same thing in the same old way?
It is said that unless you do something different, you cannot achieve anything different. It is like the bullocks whose eyes are covered and who are made to run round and round in an oil-pressing mill. They follow the same track days in and out. The same path takes you to the same destination.
If you want to change your destination, you will have to take a different path. The only constant in life is change.
So rather than be pushed by change, we must adapt to change before it affects you .
Remember, dinosaurs were giant animals and they ruled the earth at one time. However, they could not adapt to the change and they perished.
Helping individuals and groups resolve conflicts through assisted conversations.
3 年Good article. That is the problem with the COVID lifestyle, too much comfort zone; too little change. It will be stressful for some to go back to "normal."
Managing Director at DAYALIZE
3 年It is said that the river is never the same. Every moment it changes. The river that was there the last moment is not what it is now. The water that was there has changed. This philosophical thought alludes to the fact that time goes on and it brings with it changes in everything around us. Life is not the same ever again. But we never realize this change. We always postpone our dreams, our happiness s. Because at the moment we are busy with something that we feel is important and essential. We brush away for later, what we wish to do. There may not be time to repeat an experience. An experience is like a river. You cannot see the same river twice again. So whatever you do in life, give it your best shot. Not every shot can be perfect. You will win some, you will lose some. It doesn’t matter. Life is not meant to be perfect. What needs to be perfect is your determination, your sense of commitment. Give your 100% to what you do. That way whether you succeed fully or not, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you have given the best shot that you can. You have done your best.?