Life is like a Maze
Everyone starts the beginning of life’s maze at the same place and that’s when were born into this world and everyone finishes the maze at end of our life, it’s that simple. We are all equal in that regard no matter what race, color or belief.
What happens in our journey through this maze however is different for every single person. No one has exactly the same journey and no one has the same struggles nor the same joys.
There are some people that just sail right through the maze seemingly without a hitch, making all the correct turns and never even hitting a dead-end. Many of us stare in disbelief as we watch their rapid progress in the maze. But what did these people really learn in the journey through this maze of life if everything went their way?
The other thing to consider however is this, as we watch other’s we think we know all about their life and their experiences and what they’re facing when in fact we don’t even have the slightest clue! We are judging and forming opinions based on what we think and we could be so wrong.
Then there are the rest of us, often making the wrong turns, hitting dead-ends and wondering if we are getting anywhere in this challenging maze of life.? Are we making the same wrong turns again and again and realizing that we’ve been down this path before? We need to remind ourselves of what we’ve done and where we’ve been before so we don’t make those same mistakes again and again.
In fairness though, making mistakes is a powerful way to learn, it’s how we gain wisdom and it’s how we evolve to become a better person. I believe that everyone has a purpose in life and contrary to what some might believe, each person’s purpose may not be the same at all.
A number of years ago I took an advanced defensive driving course. On the track there were a number of pylons to maneuver around and the objective of course was not to hit them. The instructor told us not to focus on the obstacles but rather look beyond the pylons to the finish line. While I initially pondered and questioned his advice in my mind, I took his advice and I was amazed to see that this made all the difference in my success.
I’m not sure who this is for besides myself but I hope that there might be something in these words that may benefit others as well.
S. Anderson