Life on Life's Terms III: 28. One Unique Day at a Time
28. One Unique Day at a Time
"How long you been sober?" Howard asked me.
"Today and a bunch of days before that," I said. He stared at me. "Okay, almost twenty-eight years."
"That's so many days. When I hear 'one day at a time' I cringe. My days haven't been a picnic since I got sober."
"Not all your days will be like," I said. "Days will most likely get better. Because you're not numb, you will have days where you're more aware of the pain. Rather than think of a long line of days just like today, change the slogan to 'each unique day at a time.'"
I will live each unique day one day at a time.
Life on Life's Terms (c) 2016 by Ken Montrose
Life on Life's Terms is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between the characters and anyone you might know is purely coincidental.
Other works by Ken Montrose are available at: