Men will never bare children, lets be equal now!. Let us create a landscape for TUBE Babies, All babies will be made in a fucking tube with a EGG FROM A FEMALE, AND A SPERM FROM A MALE.

THIS will take the burden of child birth out of the women. EGGs are FROZEN on a regular!!!!! GO FUCK URSELF AND THEN CHILD LIFE AND LIBERTY will be equal and under the law that when you decide to have a baby you have to SIGN a document saying that you cannot go back on conceiving a child and bringing a life into the earth!!!!!!! WE CAN MAKE SURE ALL DISEASE WILL BE FIXED in human genetics, WE can evolve into a non primitive society and create a EQUAL SOCIETY!!!! FEMALES will no longer have to endure the pain and suffering of having a major surgery or having your VAGINA EXPLODE an ripped apart. WE CAN EVOLVE AND BEGIN A SOCIETY THAT IS EQUAL!!! If you are a feminist you will understand that CHILDBIRTH is a unfair CURSE that was brought onto FEMALE existence. NOBODY SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO KILL HUMAN LIFE, IT is burden on the female soul and crushes them, I have never heard a female that is happy with a ABORTION, THEY ALWAYS HAVE PAIN AND SUFFERING AND WISH THEY WERE NOT HAVING TO BE IN THAT SITUATION. LET us grow as a society and SCIENCE and be EQUAL!!!!!! EQUAL IN LIFE AND LIBERTY. SHED The PAIN OF ABORTION/DEATH/SACRIFICE, Now give everyone the equal power of life under the LAW, WE have same sex Marriage in our LAW. why cant we have the equal opportunity to bring your SEXUAL REPRODUCTION ORGANS to BE EQUAL. WOMEN CARRY THE EGGS. MEN CARRY THE SPERMS. WE cannot have a baby without the GENETICS OF BOTH. SO THAT IS EQUAL. MEN AND WOMEN ARE SAME if we take away their pain and power to kill and end life. IT IS NOT FAIR to anyone. NOW if you want a BABY you have to SIGN a AGREEMENT under the LAW!!! YOUR BABY WILL GROW INTO A LIFE WITH BOTH EQUAL. NO longer will you have a choice because under the law nobody will be allowed to CONCEIVE NATURALLY. NATURALLY WILL BE GROWN IN A HOSPITAL. THE AGREEMENT WILL HAVE TO BE MADE. SOCIETY needs to develop and maintain standards that LIFE is to be taken SERIOUS, Bringing Life into the WORLD should be the most IMPORTANT THING. SEX CAN BE FOR PLEASURE but our SOCIETY needs to evolve beyond this TRAP that we SET FOR OURSELFS, EVIL WOMEN ARE TRAPPING MEN into PAYING FOR SOMTHING THEY DID NOT AGREE TOO. THEY THINK THAT MORE DADDYS THEY HAVE THE MORE MONEY THEY GET. THIS IS THE SICK SOCIETY WE HAVE DEVELOPED INTO BY GIVING WOMEN THE POWER TO CONCEIVE CHILDREN WHENEVER THEY WANT TO, NOT WHEN MEN AND WOMEN WANT TO. If society cannot be equal under the law biologically, by protecting our SEX organs with equal importance. NO LIFE SHOULD BE CONCEIVED WITHOUT THE EQUAL WANT AND AKNOWLEDGEMENT THAT separating FAMILYS HURTS!!! it hurts our human life because we do not grow EQUALY with love from both PARENTS, WE wonder why people leave people that they did not agree to have a child with??? are you all fucking stupid???? WHY would anyone want to raise a child with somebody who did not want a child in the first place. WE CAN RISE ABOUT THIS AND BRING LIFE EQUAL LOVE AND EQUAL. IF both agree to a contract that bringing in a LIFE into the world is of the most utmost importance and needs to be cared for by BOTH PARENTS, WE would be educated to know that the PAIN of SEPERATION and abandonment can in fact be a ARCHAIC ERA in HUMAN EVOLUTION. WE ALREADY HAVE SURROGATES, SO WHY DOES IT MATTER??? BECAUSE WE ARE ENDING THE PAIN AND SUFFERING AS A WHOLE AND BECOME EDUCATED ABOUT THE HISTORY OF EVOLUTION AND LIFE AND LIBERTY. IF YOU WANT TO CONCEIVE NATURALLY, THIS AGREEMENT MUST BE SIGNED AS WELL AND YOU MUST BE FULLY EDUCATED AND AWARE OF THE RISKS THAT YOU TAKE WITH NATURAL CHILD BIRTH. YOU WILL BE EQUAL BECAUSE YOUR THE ONE MAKING THE CHOICE TO CONCEIVE NATURALLY, Under the LAW the Choice to CONCEIVE NATURALLY should be the choice of a WELL EDUCATED AWARE CITIZEN OF AGE. IT should be highly ILLEGAL TO CONCEIVE OR SEXUALLY ABUSE ANY CITIZEN THAT IS UNDERAGE. Walk with me into the LIGHT and shine it on the DARKNESS that is the PAIN, SUPPRESSION, RISKING YOUR LIFE, ABUSE, CONFUSION, TAKE AWAY ALL OF IT AND PUT IT IN THE HISTORY BOOKS!. IF I LEAVE ONE THING BEHIND IN MY LIFE! THIS IS IT!!! I WILL FIGHT FOR THE LIFE AND LIBERTY OF HUMANS TO BE EQUAL UNDER THE LAW OF CHOICE WITH BIOLOGICAL SEX ORGANS WE ARE EQUAL. THERE IS NO WAY TO CONCEIVE WITHOUT BOTH EGG AND SPERM. So let us make this EQUAL and end the archaic nature of natural birth using women as a TOOL instead of treating them as a EQUAL. SHED THE PAIN. LET us EVOLVE. I have suffered ENOUGH is ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!




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