Life Lessons.My car blowing up and dumping my runners??♀?
Toni Walsh
?? Helping Executives Perform at Their Best - In Health, Leadership & Workplace Mediation ??
So yesterday I went for my first run in over two months and I really enjoyed it. There were a couple of reasons why I hadn't been running. Mainly because I just wasn't feeling it, and I'd lost my mojo to be honest.
And secondly because I'd thrown my runners out.
Allow me to explain...
Two months ago my parents dog Charlie was poisoned and we were on our way to the veterinary hospital. I'd decided to over take a car on the motorway and as I did it shot forward, it was like there was an injection of fuel but I couldn't slow it down.
Don't ask me how or where I'd heard this but I somehow knew to put the car into neutral. Thankfully there was no one on my inside and I was able to steer the car and pull in on the hard shoulder. Meanwhile the smoke and noise from the engine was deafening! All I could think of was getting my mum and Charlie out of the car and to safety.
Once we pulled in, I bundled them both out of the car and onto the hard shoulder as quickly as I could while trying to remain calm.
To add to the drama the battery was low on my phone and I could barely hear what my sister was saying when I called her. Thankfully she was able to jump in her car, meet us and they were soon on their way!
So, back to the runners and me dumping them.
To fix the damage from the engine blowing up would have cost me a fortune so I decide to buy myself a new car. I deserved it!
While I was transferring my things over to the new car I decided to throw out my current runners. I had decided to treat myself to a new pair and I wasn't bothered that I didn't have a comfy pair to run in for now, I could wing it.
BIG Mistake
I looked online and this time I was going all out specifically buying a pair for trail running. I was delighted with myself.
Eventually, they arrived but the problem was they needed breaking in and I mean BREAKING IN!
The first day I walked in them I had to take them off.
The second day I put them on, my legs ached.
The third day wasn't much better.
By this time I was giving myself a good talking to about how I should have known better and what was I thinking throwing out the other ones.
The knock on affect, I stopped running and basically that turned into two months affecting my sleep and the lack of sleep affected my mood. Little by little things started to unravel and I just wasn't feeling myself.
I wasn't as invested in what I was eating and I kept telling myself '' you're not exercising the same Toni so you don't need to nourish your body''.
Truth is, I was pis*ed off with myself, and I was believing my own bullshit story.
I kept telling myself
I should know better, I should be able to do this myself, pull myself out of this and lead by example.
Here's the thing, I was using not having my new runners 'broken in' as a reason not to run. Truth is I didn't want to. The last few months of lockdown had got to be me more than I realised and I had dropped the ball, I wasn't taking care of me the way I use to.
Fast forward and I'm back in the game, exercising and looking after myself.
Why, because I believe that I'm worth it and so are YOU.
I just needed some support and encouragement, so I asked for it.
I get it, I understand because I've been in the trenches. I know what it feels like and how hard it can be to get going again and this is why I believe I can help you to get your mojo back.
Think about it like this, how long can you keep going around in circles telling yourself the same old same old and believing it, but not at the same time.
Take my client Pauline for example;
I was very very unhealthy. I would get out of breath and I had aches and pains all over but especially in my back. I was finding it difficult to move around.
I felt like a huge blown up lump of roundness, bloated and puffed out. I dreaded going shopping for clothes as my choice was very limited.
My eating was out of control and I felt hopeless.
I am a very different person from the one I was at the start of the programme.
I am fitter, stronger and confident in myself. I am, possibly for the first time ever, aware of how my body feels to be strong and flexible, how much capacity my body has to become even stronger, and how important it is to look after it.
I have so much energy now and clarity of thought. I sleep better and manage stress much better now.
Pauline - Dublin Ireland.
Simply put, I get results and it's not through any mad diets or an exercise regimes. I'm invested in YOU the person, the person behind the job, the mum the dad the individual behind the position or the title.
My program The RESET Blueprint is especially designed for busy processionals who want to get results and the best part is it fits in to the busiest of lifestyles even if it feels like there aren't enough hours in the day.
Here's the thing, to really succeed and grow as individuals we need to have a support network in place. Someone to guide and keep you accountable. Someone who believes in you especially when you're feeling a bit mehhh. Someone to hold your feet to the fire when it's needed.
Using my 360 Method we look at three key areas; Health & Fitness, Relationships and The business of Being you - your values and how you show up in life. Trust me, when it all comes together it's like the perfect storm.
Make the decision today to step into that space and own it.
If you've hung up your ' boots' (runners) and want to get back out there then lets have a chat. We can look at where you are now and what may need to happen to get you back on track.
If we get on well and I think that we'd be a good fit to work together we can have another chat about working together on my 12 week Transformation Program The RESET Blue Print Work Life Balance for career driven professionals.
Send me a message today, what's the worst that can happen ??