Life Lessons - Reinvent Yourself

Life Lessons - Reinvent Yourself

#ProductivityTip #LifeLessons

Most of us are caught up in the act of making a living instead of living a life.

Allah (swt) has blessed us with amazing opportunities of using our talent, competencies, skills, knowledge, wisdom, wealth and all other resources that He (swt) has bestowed upon us to live a balanced and contributing life, but most of us waste our energies in things and activities which have no ultimate value.

A recent interaction with a brother in the Middle East has deeply shocked me when I heard his story with lot of pain in it. This brother has been working in Dubai for last 20+ years. When he arrived here, he was 22 and now he is 45+. He got married and became a father as well during all of these years. But, all the life is offering to him today is "painful struggle".

He works for number of multinational companies at various positions, achieved some professional milestones, but unfortunately like millions, he is one of those lost souls in the crowd of millions who wake up every morning, go to work (for the sake of work), come back around 9-10 pm for sleeping and completing the same cycle again the next day. For years, he has been a victim of this never ending circle.

Inspired by the lifestyle of Middle East, tried to follow the same path and stuck in a financial mess that he is unable to cope up with. To manage this, he has to work really hard and this is what he is doing. I call it a "Mouse trap" or a "Rat Race", a race that even if you win, you will still be a rat!

But in the process of making ends meet (rat race), he has lost his health and developed multiple health issues, doesn't have quality time to spend with his family and kids, prayers are regularly missed, it's been years he recited the Quran, Dhikr is completely misses out. Consequently, the balance of life is completely disturbed.

The brother was crying as he is unable to see any light at the end of the tunnel. To him, life is somewhere, where there neither a U-turn, nor he is finding a way to move forward!

By the blessings of Allah (swt), I am trying to get him out of this mess by giving him the process of reinventing himself. I gave him few tips and if you and someone around you is going through such situation, please help them, save them and bring them back on the path of aafiah, which is the path of meaning and purpose:

1. Life is a precious gift and should not be just spent in making a living, but in living it in the pursuit of meaningfulness in all aspects of life. Making a living will automatically fit into that In'sha'Allah.

2. Practice "The art of leading a Meaningful Life" that I teach through our workshops and Reinvent Yourself online mentoring program. Alhumdulillah, thousands of people who are following the advice are leading a very different life than what they were doing few years back. If you have not yet experienced what I am talking about then experience it. I hope it will greatly benefit you.

3. Connect / Associate yourself with visionaries, positive thinkers, change makers, people who are wise, those who want to create an impact in this world with fear of Allah (swt) in their hearts.

4. Make learning and reading a habit, a permanent part of your life, otherwise you're making it sure that you gonna be lost in the crowd of millions. You should read at least 1 book a month. This is minimum!

5. Manage your time wisely. Sleep early, sleep less (5-6 hours are enough generally) and wake up early in the morning, before Fajr I wanted to say! Utilize your time with the correct prioritization. Always keep time for Allah (swt), yourself, your parents, spouse and children.

6. Don't miss any of your Fard (obligatory) prayers. Missing prayers is messing your life big time. The barakah from your life will go away.

7. Recite at least one page of Quran a day. Do it whatever it takes you to do it. The more the better. I recommend and practice one Juzz a day.

8. Ask your wives, children and other family members to recite Surah Al-Waqiah (56) everyday after Maghrib. According to the benefits of this Surah, a home where this Surah is recited regularly, Allah (swt) provides financial sustainability and keeps poverty and recession away from them.

9. Send a lot of durood on our beloved Prophet Muhammad (sas) everyday. At least 100 times a day or as much as you can. Allah (swt) loves those who loves His beloved Prophet Muhammad (sas) and promises to take care of all our needs. Recite one Durood right now!

10. Make dua, a lot of dua, so much of dua with tears in your eyes and with love of Allah (swt) in your heart, with a firm belief that only Allah (swt) can help me and resolve my issues and all worldly resources that I am adopting can only help me if Allah (swt) allows them to. Allah (swt) loves our tears falling out of our eyes with His love and fear.

If you follow the above, any issue and every issue will be resolved In'sha'Allah. Remember, the results are not the measure of success in the eyes of Allah (swt), but our intentions and efforts. Purifying yourself on these two levels and leave rest on Him (swt).

I hope this advice will be helpful for you too. If you think it is beneficial, click share.



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