Life Lessons
I have made many mistakes up until today
I'm sure there will be many more along the way
These mistakes help me to grow
Learning the lessons as I go
Helping me to know right from wrong
Making better choices as I move on
Those that have made no mistakes
Have not tried anything new
Push past your comfort zone
Test what you can do
This journey through life
Has it's ups and downs
Just like a roller coaster on the fairground
Some days thrill you - some you fear
Others bring joy and some bring tears
Facing the negatives and celebrating the good
Forgiving myself as I know I should
In order to move on and gain inner peace
Appreciating what you have and being free
Practising gratitude
A daily attitude
One of the keys that liberates me
Attracting my manifestation and feeling happy
You have to believe in order to achieve
It's like magic -those that don't believe-will never find it
Miracles and beauty are everywhere
You just need to be aware
With love in your heart lighting the way
A pillar of strength
You can find your way
Onto your true path
Staying on the light side
Magical elements willing their way
In tune with your feelings and intentions
Ensuring all you hold dear
Enjoying the present it is a gift
Watching as your life shifts
Your future is almost here
Further mistakes, there will be plenty :)
With your life lessons you will never feel empty x
Written by Melanie Moses
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