Be prepared, there will be an upcoming civil war erupting between the millennial and baby boomers

Be prepared, there will be an upcoming civil war erupting between the millennial and baby boomers

 Jack J. Kelly  February 12, 2018  Career Advicecompliancex  

By Jack J. Kelly


There is a war looming on the horizon. No, it’s not going to be between Democrats and Republicans, or the far left Antifa against the alt-right. They are really arguing over who will control the culture of the U.S. and the direction where we are heading. It isn’t going to be World War III with Russia or North Korea, as no one is really interested in blowing up the world, especially rich guys like Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un, and Donald Trump– who all have pretty awesome lives that they wouldn’t want to give up to a nuclear holocaust.


The war I am referring to will be between millennials and baby boomers (with the Generation X involved at a later date), fighting over the scraps of diminishing jobs and shrinking government assistance according to a new report by the fancy-schmancy pants Management Consulting firm, Bain (Yes, I’ve been to their offices and it does say, “Fancy Schmancy Pants on all their business cards). According to Bain, “Demographics, automation and inequality have the potential to dramatically reshape our world in the 2020’s and beyond. Our analysis shows that the collision of these forces could trigger economic disruption far greater than we have experienced over the past 60 years.”


Here’s why the battle lines are being drawn. According to fancy-schmancy Bain, over the next few decades, automation and demographics will become a new dimension to the economic and social pressures already roiling the U.S. and societies around the world. Millennial workers, displaced by machines, will resent aging baby boomers (and Gen Xers after them) living on Social Security and Medicare.


Bain paints a dire apocalyptic future. The U.S. population is aging fast and many older workers are holding onto their jobs and remaining in the workplace far longer than in the past, due to their lack of savings-enhanced life span. Companies will continue to automate jobs with technology with breakneck speed. It is reported that 20%-25% of current jobs will be wiped out by technology. This means 40 million people won’t have jobs, many of whom will be millennials.


Millennials will fight aging baby boomers for the scarce jobs and for differing government assistance. Millennials will require job retraining and, perhaps, a basic income to compensate for low or no wages. Older Americans will demand the Social Security and health care, as they live long and suffer the maladies that affect senior citizens. All this will happen against the backdrop of a government strapped by trillions of dollars in deficits.


Baby boomers will be angry that rising costs, whipsawing stock markets, and the death of pensions, are forcing them to work longer than they want to, since they can’t afford not to. To make matters worse, their skills may not be all that relevant anymore. Their jobs are also being sent to cheaper-costing states and other countries. The boomers will be forced to take lesser jobs for meager earnings compared to what they used to earn. They will look to the government for more social security and medical care assistance.


The millennials are pissed off at the baby boomers. They were the ones who ran the government, banks and universities for decades, that put them into hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt, holding worthless college degrees that can’t obtain good well-paying jobs, drove up real estate prices so they can’t buy homes, and started the advancement of technology into the workforce that is taking their jobs. They don’t want to keep paying high taxes to fund the medical expenses and social security for the boomers, and debt that they ran –up that they are now burdened with. They may demand a basic living income from the government to help them keep their heads above water.


The government needs to do something to deal with our out-of-control debt, which the millennials and Gen Z will have to pay through higher taxes and less services – medical care, bridges, tunnels, trains, highways. With respect to technology, we need to question – just because we can do something, should we do it? Is deploying technology- to the extent that millions of people are pushed out of the workforce, so some Silicon Valley venture capitalists can become billionaires- a worthwhile pursuit for our country? Simply because jobs could be sent to other countries to save money, is it fair to our citizens?

If we don’t take a hard look at our ballooning problems now, we may end up with a civil war in the future.

#BabyBoomer #Millenial #LinkedIn #Jobs #Resue #Hire #Interview #InterviewAdvice #CareerAdvice

Charles Hardison

Sr. Account Executive - Award-Winning Software Sales Hunter

6 年

Social Security is a fund which Boomers and the generations that follow pay into out of their own wages, so please explain why the Boomers finally collecting on this benefit funded by their own contribution should be resented by millennials. I wasn't born yesterday-its obvious to me this article is just a divide and conquer tactic intended to ensure millennials and Boomers do not unite and turn their resentment and cries for civil war toward the real enemy, the elite 1% who possess more wealth and power than 95% of the worlds total population. The 1% in power are failing Boomers and millennials alike, but nice try; you saw the support for Bernie (supported by Boomers and Millennials alike), you must know the fight is coming and divide and conquer tactics will fail.

Complacency in a professional life is difficult to make work over a lifetime. I have have to periodically retrain to keep employed. Can't see it being any easier for those behind me.

Louis Meyer

Financial Analyst

6 年

The transfer of wealth from younger generations to older generations has been going on for decades. Payments have been made for promises that were in excess of what the receipiants had funded. This long term ponzi scheme has reached the tipping point due to changing demographics and increased life expectancy. The high tax states in the Northeast are a prime example of this issue - paying for pensions that have been underfunded for decades by taxing current income and then hoping that the problem will somehow correct itself. In other words, this is a slow motion train wreck and there is no Superman who can miraculously save the passengers. Cutting benefit promises to younger generations has been the time-honored political solution but does not address the bigger issue.

Bruce Alber

Forester, Sales Representative, Wilbur-Ellis Co.

6 年

Darn you Jack! You have revealed our evil baby boomer plans that we've had all along!

There is an underlying question here - why, given this squeeze, do we consider reducing the tax rates while increasing the government debt? Also, we should note that the percentage of people employed by governmental entities has declined from a high of over 19% of the work force in the late 80's to less than 16% in 2015 (and it is lower now).


